Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday....September 18th...2009

Linda called at 7 am....not a "happy camper".....her surgeon had come in and she was "cranky" with him....her Oncologist came in at 8 am and said surgeons are "that way".....

She is doing well....still quite a bit of pain....she is not able to get the Kadian....the morphine medication she takes for pain the hospital doesn't allow personal drugs...the substitutions don't seem to work...anyway they are working on it...

She is not going home today....maybe tomorrow....she needs to walk today....

The Oncologist is giving her two weeks off and then starting a regimen of new drugs...Alimta, Navelbine and the Avastin by itself has not stopped the growth...there has been no spreading but the tumor nodules in the lung have grown a bit..not significantly though....he wants to go with these new drugs to see their effectiveness. The drugs work in three week cycles....some once every three weeks....some a week on then a week off, etc..

Anyway tomorrow he will be back and we will talk more...and it looks like in two weeks all will be figured for Florida he is not opposed to working with someone there if they will work with him opposed to wanting to go their own direction....we shall see if we can work that out....


Anonymous said...

At least you have a great oncologist from the sounds of it all. Rest up, Linda, and you'll be home soon.

Take care, and hugs to both of you!

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

Just envision you being full of air. Sounds like you were in a lot of pain but have it figured out. Interesting how the body works. Glad you are feeling beter though and felt like eating. Who would have thunk it was that dang gall bbladder. You take care. Love ya,


Anonymous said...

sigh. OK, L, is this round of excitement over yet? ;-) I've got you wrapped in that golden glow of healing love, hoping that you feel its warmth creep in and dissipate all that gas they used... and that it heals the incisions quickly... and that it boosts the chemos' effectiveness.

And wishing you calm peaceful rest!


Anonymous said...

Dave - Linda is going to bust you when she sees that picture you posted. Better get a head start - payback is tough!

Linda - You've been in there long enough. I'll be waiting to hear that you are home in your own bed which is the best medicine for recouperation. Here's a hug :)


Wendy Soethe said...

Hope you had a peaceful night and got lots of rest. I hear you have to look better when they release you than when you came in so get lots of beauty sleep!

Seriously, hope you are feeling better tomorrow and that the reference pain is gone as is all of the nausea, vomiting, etc. Hope they can get your pain meds straighten out while you are there so you can get rejuvenated and go home soon.

We love you, Wendy

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping you are on your way home. There is no place like home...(wow, that's a great expression, someone should make a movie around it)
You know I am rooting for you and praying that the pain is gone and the smile is back. Love you guys.
