Linda had a good day today mentally...visiting with the Doctor yesterday helped..and having such good friends to help her out..more on that later....and it being Christmas..all helped....she is in a good place...
Nancy and Virginia came over today and decorated the Christmas tree and some more of the house....and we all sat down to a Chinese dinner..from the local Chinese restaurant....thanks and more thanks to two wonderful people for their love and support...and for being there at a critical time for Linda..
Linda's fortune tonight...."An admirer is too shy to greet you at the moment...."to me this means someone who has something to say to Linda is holding back and might regret it down the line...step forward...take the risk...and talk with Linda...don't be shy!
Tomorrow is a BIG day....first we meet with the banker in Portland who handles our annual builder's loan on our Brasada spec house...seeing how this February will go with the loan and to meet Dave...Linda has been working with him solely....then Linda has her two hours in the infusion center at OHSU getting the third week of chemo in her first week she has off. We are going to get a private bedroom for the infusion..nice of them to accommodate our needs as we are going to use the time as time to spend with our trust attorney to continue the trust development..tomorrow is about funding the trusts and to set up title changes, etc., etc..
Thank you ..all of you for understanding the blog entry for is where we are our basic form...
Dave got another question he has heard a few times over the past couple of weeks: " are you DOING?".......a tough question as I am not really sure.....I've not been in this exact spot before...I never anticipated being in this place in time...I do know I am watching my health as I let it slip early on in this journey and paid dearly for it....I know I don't want to be alone...I am scared to be alone...I know I don't want to lose my wife...especially since it is Linda....who is one in a million...I know I am wanting to be in the moment and not worry too much about the future..but I also know I have an "eye" on the future..and I question constantly whether I am being "real" in this place I am in (I want to believe I am)...I know I am not looking for advice....or to be "fixed"....we get enough of is a tough question which has left me to ponder each time I am asked....and it will continue as such...
Thank you again for your support..and understanding....the picture below include Linda at her last infusion session..then Linda at Thanksgiving and finally Nancy, Virigina and Linda before the decorated Christmas tree
Nancy and Virginia came over today and decorated the Christmas tree and some more of the house....and we all sat down to a Chinese dinner..from the local Chinese restaurant....thanks and more thanks to two wonderful people for their love and support...and for being there at a critical time for Linda..
Linda's fortune tonight...."An admirer is too shy to greet you at the moment...."to me this means someone who has something to say to Linda is holding back and might regret it down the line...step forward...take the risk...and talk with Linda...don't be shy!
Tomorrow is a BIG day....first we meet with the banker in Portland who handles our annual builder's loan on our Brasada spec house...seeing how this February will go with the loan and to meet Dave...Linda has been working with him solely....then Linda has her two hours in the infusion center at OHSU getting the third week of chemo in her first week she has off. We are going to get a private bedroom for the infusion..nice of them to accommodate our needs as we are going to use the time as time to spend with our trust attorney to continue the trust development..tomorrow is about funding the trusts and to set up title changes, etc., etc..
Thank you ..all of you for understanding the blog entry for is where we are our basic form...
Dave got another question he has heard a few times over the past couple of weeks: " are you DOING?".......a tough question as I am not really sure.....I've not been in this exact spot before...I never anticipated being in this place in time...I do know I am watching my health as I let it slip early on in this journey and paid dearly for it....I know I don't want to be alone...I am scared to be alone...I know I don't want to lose my wife...especially since it is Linda....who is one in a million...I know I am wanting to be in the moment and not worry too much about the future..but I also know I have an "eye" on the future..and I question constantly whether I am being "real" in this place I am in (I want to believe I am)...I know I am not looking for advice....or to be "fixed"....we get enough of is a tough question which has left me to ponder each time I am asked....and it will continue as such...
Thank you again for your support..and understanding....the picture below include Linda at her last infusion session..then Linda at Thanksgiving and finally Nancy, Virigina and Linda before the decorated Christmas tree
Dave, as usual, you have communicated in your special way. When I read the blog, it is like taking time & space travel, not only into your physical world, but also into your psyche. That is such a meaningful experience for the Peanut Gallery since we all share the desire not only to be updated, but also to help in our own ways. Our concern, of course, is for the both of you. Personally, somehow I feel that reading the blog helps me in some way to lighten your load. Conversely, I do not feel like I have had your problems "dumped" on me. Rather, I feel such gratitude in the learing experience of sharing this journey.
Thank you, again, Dave and Linda.
I have to say that Linda looks terrific on Thanksgiving - that blue sweater is VERY becoming on her! You 2 have a great attitude (I know this is not always easy). BOTH of you take as much care of yourselves as you can!
Mindy & Dave
Linda, love and prayers are flowing to you every second from the CART community!
Linda, When I was a little girl, my Mom always told me that a red sky at sunset meant that Mrs. Claus was baking Christmas cookies. Our Colorado sky has been very red at sunset lately. So I'm figuring that Mrs. Claus and Linda Woods must be busy baking and I better get with the program, too! Happy Baking and enjoy the cookies Dave! Julie Brown
Linda- You are beautiful! I love the Thanksgiving picture of you. I sent you a christmas card and know Janine will get it to you guys. Love ya, Lindy
“Love is stronger than death even though it can't stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can't separate people from love. It can't take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death.”
“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief...and unspeakable love.” -- Washington Irving
This has been a year of losses for me personally -- our dearest friend, family pets, and several colleagues. And so I've spent many moments with tears on my cheeks or in very sad moods. And I have come to appreciate the grief -- it's a mark of what wonderful love I've been blessed with, for if I didn't love, none of these losses would hurt; I wouldn't feel such grief. :-) Well, it makes sense to me.
There are salty tears on my cheeks as I type this -- a mark of the love I have for you both, even though we've only met through the blog.
The Peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God.
And I'll keep you wrapped in that golden glow of healing love and energy which comes from Source.
hugs all round,
Hi Linda and Dave: Just want you to know that I am thinking about you two. Thank you for the updates. I look forward to them because I think of you often. Love, JO
Dave and Linda I check your blog daily and I am constantly amazed at both of you for your strength and determination. You have established through your day to day dealing with this disease the ground work for anyone else who has or currently has this illness.
Having lived this myself and after reading your blog I wish we would have done things a little differently. Under the circumstances you two are doing everthing right as far as I am concerned.
I am with you daily and I apologize for not being more communicative. Have a Merry Christmas.
Sandy B
Dave and Linda, thank you as always for being so open in sharing your unique journey with all of us. Even though many of us are many miles or even continents away, know that we are right here by your side as you are close in our thoughts and prayers.
We have all learned a very strong and real sense of true love from both of you; what a precious gift to both give and receive!
Revel in this Christmas season and in each day, and know that we're here for you both to listen and to help out however we can.
shelly & jason paul
Just wanted to let you know that Matt and I are always thinking of you both. You two are very special people and we are proud to call you our friends. Keep your chins up, you've got an army of people in your corner!
Much love,
Marissa and Matt
Dave and Linda - I know I don't know you personally, but this member of is sending all his thoughts and prayers your way. Wishing you nothing but the best.
So enjoyed helping with your decorations and seeing the joy on your face Linda when we finished with the tree. Wasn't sure I would come home with my fingers (ask Dave) but it was truly a joy to spend the time with both of you. Love you, Ginnie
Nice work ladies. Your Canby decoration committee did a fabulous job on the tree! I'm sure Linda was directing traffic as well - that tree is going to be my inspiration tomorrow as I tackle the same task.
I treasure the holidays and whomever is around at the time, be it family and my special dear friends in Canby. And I'm there with you in spirit and in my heart.
God loves you as do I (so much!),
I love you both, always.
Thinking of you both... love and prayers always, LeeAnn
Much love to you, Dave. xoxoxxo
Niece Jen
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