Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tuesday...December 14th...2010

We are working on several fronts.....

Christmas cards are out...

The Trusts are funded and final papers are being sent to the various places for recording and..and...

Linda's major baking is done....

Linda is working on the Peachtree accounting on the investments to finish calendar year 2010o....

Christmas shopping is almost done....waiting a couple more ideas to finish up.....

Dave is starting to tile the upstairs bathroom floor and counter...the last major inside job....

Tomorrow it's off to see the radiology oncologist..as a checkup on Linda's treatment....Thursday it's off to see the medical oncologist...as a checkup also and then a chemo treatment....

ps..the hair continues to fall....as it continues to rain here....


Anonymous said...

You are so much more organized than I am and I have so much less to get done than you..Maybe the secret is I need to get started!
Hope you get nothing but good news from your Dr. tomorrow and the next day it is due, you know.
Went to my grandson's Christmas program, it is so much fun to see Christmas again, through the eyes of the youg!

mclark2112 said...

Dave, you do tile? Have I got some work for you... Marissa and I miss you guys. Linda, you are an inspiration to us all!

I think we still owe you lunch..


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the falling things but they are far outweighed by all the energy generated inside the house. We have our tree purchased and inside (no decorations yet). That's our story so I'm massively impressed with your effort, organization, and stamina.
10 days to go! LA LA LA LA!