Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sunday....December 26th...2010

All have gone home or to other son Jeff has come to stay with us til Wednesday....

Who was here?.......Daughter Wendy, Son in law Chris and Grand daughter Taigen...from Seattle...they left today. Daughter Janine was closeby. Son Jim, Daughter in law Jenn and Grand daughter Jillian were closeby. Son Jeff was here..staying with Jim. Jillian's Mother Julie and Significant other Ray and her sons Jordan and Trever came for Christmas day.

So there was a total of 14 folks here counting Linda and Dave.....a houseful for sure.

Linda gave to each girl/woman a piece or set of her personal jewelry for Christmas..very touching and heartfelt...a tear or two was shed as the jelwelry was very dear to Linda..each piece has a story...and she wanted it to go to those she loved....

Today...Linda was/is very tired...the holidays and the chemo were the to get her to rest.....we shall see....she is sleeping a lot.....

With the holidays behind us, we look forward to restful times.....


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a simply lovely Christmas with lots of family around. Now you can relax and rest up for the new year.

Dave - hope you're done with tiling.

Have a nice relaxing week!

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

A beautiful post. Gifting the jewelry is so meaningful. It is so personal and imbued with such love. I'm so glad you could share the stories once again with the recipients.
My most treasured piece is a gold locket, the first gift my grandfather gave my grandmother; a picture of each of them inside from about 1910. Funny but I was just thinking about it last night. Must be the vibes in the air.
Love and peace to you both,

shelly paul said...

Sounds like a holiday well spent! Good work!

Now rest up; the tree and other decorations can linger for a bit longer as the Christmas season lives on!

shelly & jason paul

Glen and Sibyll said...

What a loving Christmas celebration! Sounds like you captured and reflected the true meaning of Christmas : the love, gifting and sharing spirit of all blessed to take part in your celebration must have illuminated your home more than any lightbulbs could, no matter how plenty and colorful!!! Rest up so you can welcome the New Year with your positiv and powerful attitudes backed up by some recouperated vigor! Enjoy the lingering memories! We made some warm, deep-felt ones ourselves this Christmas week-end within our family and friends circle; it was a treat to be able to see you in your cozy home, decked out for the occasion, mostly to be able to talk and exchange some hugs!
Love you deeply, Glen & Sibyll

Anonymous said...

Linda giving pieces of your jewerly as a gift to your family members sounds like it was joyous to you and your family.
I think gifts like that are more meaningful than any presents you can buy!! Our daughter gave me a book this year from Avon that is a story of me...There is a guide in it for me to write..then pass down to Jenny..then for her to pass down..such a special idea.Thank goodness we have time between Christmas and New Years, so we can all rest up to ring in the New Year!! Kay