Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wednesday...December 15th...2010

Busy day today....

The visit to the radiology oncologist went well...he is very nice and supportive....he showed Linda her last scan (4 weeks ago) from the top to the bottom, identifying each structure in the body and where the cancer is....he said that the next scan in 4 weeks should show clearly whether the radiation was effective or it was the oxygen...he said...of course...they wanted the credit...but the scan would show what happened...

Tomorrow we go to the bottom of the hill to see the medical oncologist and get his take...and then start the next round of chemo (1/3 each week for three weeks and then the 4th week off).

Linda was pretty good energy wise today...she asked the oncologist today about exercise and he indicated as others pain no not the prescribed what her body tells her...move about...but not push it where it doesn't want to go....

Friday Linda's siblings all get together at our house to celebrate the holiday together....that should be very good for her....


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that the "energy" is improving! I will be thinking of you tomorrow while you celebrate with your family. My family "sibblings and spouces" just got together last night and it is always the highlight of the season for me...Love you guys!

Julie Miles said...

Friday will be wonderful. Make sure to take lots of pictures for all of us:)
Love you lots...

PS Sorry shopping for the pre-teen is a challenge Dave. U just need to take her, its alot easier trust me:)

Anonymous said...

Hi,Linda & Dave;
Have a great Christmas tomorrow and please greet the family from me and my family! Recall the times at Grandma Rasmussen's. If anyone of us cousins would remember having Christmas with Grandpa, too, it would have to be someone from your family. I have no recollection of that. Be sure to post pictures.
Love & prayers,
Ruth Ann

Lindy said...

So glad to hear all is going well. Sounds like tomorrow is going to be wonderful. Enjoy your special time with your family