Friday, July 20, 2007

Friday Evening, July 20

It was good to read Dave's post. I miss him more than I thought I would. This also hasn't been the easiest day. My neighbor told me it is because my lungs can't deal well with the weather today. It is very overcast and moist, lots of molds in the air he said. I've been coughing more than ever. I was glad to talk to the neighbor, as I was getting scared than my cancer was getting worse.

Took a walk into town with Janine and she cooked a great meal tonight after friend Judy arrived. I must admit I'm ready for bed though. We have big plans for tomorrow, so I want a good night's rest.

Love and gratitude......Linda


Anonymous said...

Take some of that cough syrup...maybe call the doctor and let him know..although tomorrow is Saturday...I love you..


Anonymous said...

And I love you both!!! More than you'll ever know. Take care of yourselves.

Oodles of hugs....and a great big special one for Janine.


Anonymous said...

Linda, how nice it is to have your daughter at your side this weekend. Just girl time, right.
Take care
Ken and Janet

Anonymous said...


Ann and Dick, from Florida and Alex Bay, NY, are thinking of you, and hoping and praying for successful treatment. We have many more card games to learn, and places to explore. Love and patience to you you both

Ann & Dick

Anonymous said...

Darrell and I continue to follow your blog and pray for you daily. We know you will beat this!

Ron arrives from Oregon today - he and Jacob are meeting here (Jacob had been in St. Louis for two weeks) and driving a red honda they bought from Dave back to Oregon - Jacob's first car. Looking forward to the next couple of days - too short a visit.

Love and prayers,
Darrell and Shar

Anonymous said...

I could tell Dave missed you too throught the weekend. When I saw him sitting at the back of the Champ Car office in the media centre (got to go with the Canadian spelling) one morning, he just seemed like a lost little puppy dog without his Linda. It was great to see him there and it will even be better to see you in San Jose. :) If you feel up to it, I will hopefully see you when David makes his voyage to the media center to get a media and event guide. If not, hope to see you at some point over the weekend :)


Anonymous said...

Make that though out... I am not a morning writer!