Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday Morning, July 27

Dave and I are at the San Jose Grand Prix, ready for our first day of the race weekend. Our hotel is in the middle of the track, so I am able to take a rest when needed. It is quite hot here, but most of our duties put us inside the air conditioned buildings. I am definitely changing my work regimen for this race. No ten miles a day walking the track as per usual!

It is great to get hugs from my champ car friends, and I look forward to seeing all the fans who show up today. I brought all my medications with me, but believe me, the fans will be the best medicine.

Thanks for continuing to check in. I'm sure I'll get to see many of you today.

Love and gratitude........Linda


Julie Miles said...

I am so glad you are at a race, I know how much you love being there and I know how much everyone loves having you... It will be such a positive experience for you...embrace all of the LOVE:)

I am so excited I get to see you next weekend at the JAM... I keep missing you and then dream that when I do finally see you all I do is cry, and it is a funny dream because you ask me if it is that time of the month for me because I am so
I do know that when I do get to hug you it will be hard to let you go...:) especially because you are so huggable...

Is there any treats I can bring you from the coast?


Anonymous said...

Dear Linda & Dave
Reading about the radiation and chemotherapy and what your body will go through stunned us! But knowing you, we are positive you will beat this cancer. You are a bright shining star. The love we all have for you and your strength, focus and determination will kick that cancer out of your lungs. YOU GO GIRL!

You are a lucky Lady having David beside you! You both energize each other!

We wish we could do more to help, but we know we will be of more help in Florida. We look forward to being on the windjammer cruise with you for some crazy fun times. Linda no more eating like a bird! We love you both!!! Steve & Ethel Riddell

Anonymous said...

"Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

This reminded me of the most courageous woman I know, my mom.

Love you. J9