Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday PM....July 16th

The cough came back tonight after having been absent for a few days...back on the cough syrup.



Anonymous said...

Hi guys - Kelly here. Just got the site as I didn't get it when you sent it to me. Know that I love ya both and my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Dave - yes I got the dvd and I can't thank you enough. It is so cool.
If either of you need anything, please let me know and I will be there. Love, your lil sis Kelly

Anonymous said...

Good Mornin Guys, thought I would drop a line and say hey... You two are in my thoughts and prayers on a daily basis. I know God is wonderin whats up, cause I am an unfamiliar voice he hasn't heard from in a while. Now it is everyday. HaHa. Anyway love ya lots, Hang in there. God works in strange ways and I see his works through this Blog... Later..The other, Lil Sis, Vicky

Anonymous said...

Hey Linda, & Dave, too.

My Sis, Jo, gave me your blog and I have been following along with you for several weeks. Wish I could see you and give you a huge hug. Your messages are inspirational not just to me, but to your other "fans" as well. It's hard to imagine all that you are going through but I'm so appreciative that you are sharing this walk me and so many other concerned folks.

I will continue to hold you in my prayers while I know God will continue to hold you in his arms just as He has promised.

I recently heard someone talk about the unusually warm water he had experienced at Pacific City. It made me remember the time you invited me to go to Seaside with you and a group of others from St. Paul High School (or was it Newberg)? I think it was for the rally squad and we rode a school bus. Do you remember? That's the only time I ever experienced the "Japanese" currents on the Oregon coast. It was memorable for that, but also a great memory for me as you made me feel so good by taking me along and for the great time I ended up having. This and the many other good times we shared in our youth together bring a smile to my face and I hope yours too.

Although a great amount of time and events have separated us, I still feel close to you and my heart is with you.

I hope today you are having a good day with many ahead to come.


Bj (Shrock)

Julie Miles said...

We LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!