Monday, July 9, 2007

Monday PM...July 9th

Wednesday is officially the big day...the PET scan is going to happen...the exact time we're not sure. We have found out that only 4 tests can be done in a Linda was very lucky to get that day (we didn't want to sit until next Monday!). They say it could be as early as 7 am...Linda's response "NO PROBLEM"

The scan will determine if the cancer is limited to the lung area or has eastablishes the "stage " the cancer is in and dictates the course of action regarding surgery, chemo and radiation....Linda has very positive beliefs that she found it early and that it is in stage 1 within the lung.

The doctor's office called and set up an appointment for Thursday morning. At that time he will review the results of the scan with her and discuss the course of action from that point on.

That is about what we know at this point...the hospital is to call tomorrow with the details as to timing of the test as well as pre test requirements.



Anonymous said...

Dear Dave & Linda
It is Don & Becky Armstrong from Toronot Ontario Canada. It was great saddness that we missed you this year. We wanted to write to let you know that we are thinking of you and that we know you are a strong person , that this is just a bump in the road and that you will get though this. We will see you again and we will check in often to make sure you are up in your spirits, please know our hearts are with you and we think about you often.

Anonymous said...

Dave and Linda, our thoughts and prayers go to you...ever since we met you at the first race we ever went to in Vegas in 2004 we knew you were special people. Fight the good fight and our prayers are with you. Cam and Chan in MD