Sunday, July 8, 2007

Not much new to report today.

Linda's energy is good...the support of family and friends around her is much helpful. she is resting.

Tomorrow we hope to hear from the doctor to see if the scan has been scheduled..if no appointments available we will try here in the valley.



Anonymous said...

Hey Dave, I booboo'd when I first posted a blog to say Hi. I thought it was cuzin, Linda and Dave, when Mom told me about Linda and her journey. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you both right now. It feels kinda awkward right now. It's being such along time since we have seen each other, or talked. And I dont know Linda real well, but I know she must be quite the lady, cause you are with her. God has a plan and there is power and strength in family and friends. I have been reading all the blogs that everyone has been sending and God hears our prayers. Stay strong "Both of you". Need anything, I'm just a call away. Love Ya Both, Lil Sis, Vicky

Anonymous said...

Dave and Linda,

Don and I send you our love and prayers. We love you guys. i know all will go great for you. you have such and great heart and miles to go before you sleep..

Don and Deb