Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday PM......July 15th

Not much new today....

Another "Linda Day"......

Good Blood Pressure.....
Good Attitude....
Good Sleep....
Good Nap....
Good Appetite....
Tony Stewart Won the NASCAR Race.....



Anonymous said...


I received this from a friend of mine with breast cancer
several years ago. She’s doing quite well today!


I am a survivor. Cancer is my foe.
Although it waits most patiently, I’m not ready to go.
Many are the sunsets my eyes have yet to see,
A lovely rose, a blissful bird whose song enraptures me.

I am a survivor. There’s still so much to do!
To taste, to feel, to see, to hear; time to spend with you.
I wear no badge of courage. My scars I would not bare.
But locked deep down inside, a memory lingers there.

For I am a survivor, I bless each precious day
And capture every fleeting moment life has sent my way.
Tranquility surrounds me when gentle breezes blow,
Quite like the touch of kindness from whom I love so.

I am a survivor. There’s so much need of me.
And what I have to offer, I’ll do it graciously.
My door will always be open, if I can lend an ear
To soothe a hurt, to ease a pain, to calm the deepest fear.

I am a survivor. Death has no claim on me.
I know someday it will come my way and I will go gallantly.
But ‘till then, I am a survivor, there’s too much life to live,
Time for caring, time for sharing; all that love to give!

Yes, I am a survivor. You’ll recognize my smile.
You see, I’m free just to be me, knowing all the while…


Linda, You know I love you with all my heart and that
my prayers are with you.


Anonymous said...

Linda-We went to the Luis Palau festival in Omaha. I put your name on a list for healing. I believe God will hear all the prayers coming from everyone across this country.
Love Janet

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda, This is Marie(Taylor) Cameron your cousin in Boise. I'm so grateful Karen has kept in touch with everyone and let us know about you. You're in my prayers. You memtioned the word Believe and your dream. I thought of the Bible verse, Acts 16:31," Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house." I wish I could come up there and see you, but am on call to take fire crews to fires, and need the work. I drive school bus during the school year. It wounds like you have been getting some good news. Praise the Lord!! In my prayers and love, Marie