Thursday, July 12, 2007

Thursday Afternoon...July 12th

Today we met with the Pulmonologist.....he reviewed the PET scan by showing it on his laptop...starting at the head and moving section by section down the body...the "hot spots" showed up red....where the cancer was....

To get to the point..we didn't get what we has advanced to Stage 3.

What this what we that surgery will not no surgery....the cancer has advanced beyond the lungs......Chemotherapy and radiation are now the primary treatments....

Linda is scheduled with an Oncologist on the 18th or 19th (they're trying to arrange time)....what we understand is that he will review the situation with us and then tell us what the course of treatment will be....and we understand is that he will be wanting to get going right away.

Tomorrow morning Linda has a scheduled MRI of the brain..the Pulmonologist wants to make sure there is nothing up there...I guess we understand the cancer can head that direction.

The Pulmonologist also indicated he then is out of the picture....done....nothing more he can he is the diagnoser.....and since no surgery will be done.

He also assured us that he was getting her the best who also supported self healing and wouldn't be a "doom and gloom" that would be truthful but understands "she does not intend to be a statistic" (her words).

My words "It's time to go to war"...take this thing on..we now know what it's time to go after it.

I am also having an examination by an internist tomorrow..the Pulmonologist agrees that it makes sense and is a good idea...check me over ..make sure nothing is in my full attention is on Linda.

I'm about run out of things to say here..I believe I've put out what we know.....a final word from Linda....."Tell everyone I am up to the task". "Tell everyone I've done everything in my life I intended to and I intend to do this too."

Peace be with you...and us



LaVelle said...

I just want to be there with you guys! I NEED TO BE THERE!

I love you both very much, LaVelle

Anonymous said...

I understand all too well what you both are heading into now. It will be extremely difficult, but you WILL get through it. I so wish the news had been better, but this is not over. You have a hard fight facing you, but you both are strong, vital human beings and you will be successful in this journey.

My suggestion to everyone who reads this blog: go out right now and make a donation to the American Cancer Society. Support research for prevention and cures, so we can put an end to the fear and struggle that cancer brings into so many of our lives.

Stay strong, Dave & Linda. You're going to win this battle. I love you both so much! -Cheryl Jones

Anonymous said...

What a great attitude she has!! We'll keep praying.
the McDonalds

Anonymous said...

Well, Guys just read the latest about your journey. Know that my prayers are with you both. I wish I was there with you. Its that motherly thing I guess. But hang in there, ATTITUDE is the key. You will beat this.... Tell yourselves that.. Love you guys, Lil Sis

KatieB said...

LINDA and Dave,

Everyone in CC is thinking of you and sending their very best wishes.

The photos here show your zest and most are one tough woman!! OF course you are, your Scandinavian arn't you!!??!

My very best wishes to both of you and I miss seeing both of your smiles that light up your surroundings!!

Hang tough and we WILL see you SOON!

Katie B.

Anonymous said...

Having experience of being on Dave's side of the illness, I know it will be hard for both of you, but the faith you have in one another will be the best medicine!

Margaret D.

Anonymous said...

Linda and Dave-We all will get in there and pray, pray and pray. With your determination and strength
and Dave beside you a miracle will happen.
Love Janet

Anonymous said...


We know you are a fighter and you are going to overcome.

Are thoughts are with you.

Debbie and Peter

Anonymous said...

John and I have learned so much from the two of you. Your example to others in this difficult time sets your usual high standards. We thank you for being so open to us. Anything we can do to lighten your burden at this time.....we are there!

Anonymous said...

I will be ther for you and your sons. I was with Jeff today and I will be there for him and you when ever you want. Time for a war lets get to it. I am ready as I know you are. Love you Linda mom, Bret

Anonymous said...

Linda and Dave:
Draw on your faith, family and friends and you will be borne up on eagle's wings and held in the palm of God's hand.
Love and prayers,
Ruth Ann

Whitehoopster said...

We believe in miracles and we are your biggest fans!!

Stay Strong - love you both!

Ernie & Kim

Anonymous said...

We believe in your strength and perseverence. Go kick it's ass Linda!

Jenn said...

Dave's right, "the war is on!" We are all here to support you while you kick some ass.
I love you BOTH so much. Hang on to each other.

Anonymous said...

Your story has inspired me, and I hear this story too many times. My mom is a twice-cancer-survivor. My father had cancer also. My wife is a radiation oncology nurse.

What I've learned is that attitude is EVERYTHING, and you guys have what it takes.

Kick those bad cell's cytoplasm, Linda !