Thursday, July 12, 2007

Thursday Evening...July 12th

I mentioned a while back that Linda and I have done a significant amount of personal growth work with a company called Wings based in Eugene, part of the growth work, a song is given to each participant saying something about that participant in their process..not every word is that important but rather key words within the song...

I bring this up to share, as Linda's song says a lot about her and her values and her commitments. I also understand that this song has been used only once! If this is true .....what signifigance to this incredible woman.

Say/sing these words and create her image in your mind:

Maureen McGovern - I Could Have Been a Sailor

I'm a happy woman
I made my choice in life
I chose to settle down
I chose to be a wife
And I take pleasure in my quiet hearth
And happy home

I could have been a sailor
And sailed the seven seas
The wind in my face all day
Can you taste the salty breeze?
I could have been a dreamer
But dreams just fall apart
So, I settled for safer harbors
Of my heart



Anonymous said...

I am singing this song and having a image of the most beatiful woman I know....

I love you both so much!!!


Anonymous said...

WOW, How awesome... I have ran around most of my life trying to fit in and fiqure out who I am. Never at peace in myself. You are quite the example, LADY. Thank you, Lil Sis

Julie Miles said...

"...In a world that
can bring pain,
I will still take each chance.

For I believe
that whatever the terrain
our feet can learn to dance.

Whatever stone
life may sling, we can moan
or we can sing:

Grateful, grateful,
truly grateful I am.
Grateful, grateful,
truly blessed
and duly grateful..."

-John Bucchino

I found this quote on Maureen McGovern's website.... I now know why this song was chose for you, she is an amazing woman just like YOU!

I love you.... Julie

Anonymous said...

Linda & Dave,
We had all prayed that the news would be better, but you both are fighters and you will overcome this. Please know that when we first heard about your illness we contacted Roger's brother-in-law who is a minister and added you both to his "Prayer Warrior's" group. It has MANY participants both nationwide and across the world. There are so many of us behind you in your plight to be cancer free. You will remain in our thoughts and prayers.
Donna & Roger Reed