Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday Evening.....July 17th

Linda went to bed early tonight...then got back up....

Linda had an active day on top of getting up early today.........so she went to bed

Linda has a lot of anxiety about tomorrow...so back up

I took my stress test today..in better shape than 7 years ago they said......blood pressure way up though....going to deal with that tomorrow

Tomorrow is the meeting with the Oncologist...more on that tomorrow

That's about it for today.



Julie Miles said...

Our prayers are with you. I am wishing for a peaceful sleep and wonderful news tomorrow..
When we all get the plan of what is next, we can focus on both of you and send love, support and focus for the two of you! I know that once we all know what is in place and what is expected we will all UNITE and work together to fight this! To beat this!

I am here, always, just a phone call away.

Julie & FAM

Anonymous said...

It's actually Wednesday. I have been thinking about the two of you today....Trying to send positive thoughts. This is your big strategy day....and both of you are great at that!

Anonymous said...

Dave & Linda,

Dave Hennessy passed this blog on to me, I hope you don't mind. My mother was also diagnosed with lung cancer two weeks ago. Small cell with three in her brain. Small cell has 2 stages and she is stage 2. She started chemo & radiation Monday the 16th. I know what you are going through. And,
my thoughts are with you both.
Jody Tuttle

Anonymous said...

Dave, I'm totally impressed that you are making the trip up to Edmonton..I've been to the past couple races,I worked with you and Linda at the ChampCar trailer. We had dinner and last year one of my friends won the trip to ride around the track...I'll be at this dinner with 8 seats strong..I hope you can join us...I will keep Linda in my prayers...I give you so much credit for you perserverance! Welcome back to Edmonton my friend...The two of you always showed to me your committment to ChampCAR...we love you!!