Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tuesday PM....July 31st

Today Linda had a scare.....her "new" sympotoms were getting more pronounced (tenderness in the midline area, dificulty swallowing, etc.)...so she called into the doctor as they had directed. The doctor's office was concerned about a blood clot...so they had her come in immediately for another CTscan..a different one that would detect problems associated with her symptoms.

The good news is there was no clot...or other problem associated with the cancer...they believe it has to do with her digestive system..a reflux or...or... If it doesn't clear up in the near future she is supposed to go to a primary physician. Linda was clearly scared with these new symptoms but relaxed once she found the cancer hadn't grown or...or..or. Perhaps it has to do with the stress..

Linda still hasn't found out her treatment start date..but at the Cancer Treatement Center believe it will be Monday..

Tomorrow we head out with the motorhome for a few days of country music at the Oregon Jamboree...a chance to "escape" and be focused on some music.


ps....Linda bought herself a dozen roses today....if I had done so, she'd chewed me out...but the girl knows a deal when she sees one...feeling good about roses costing her a grand total of $5.95!....

ps. ..some friends from Florida have stopped by for dinner...and Linda is actually sharing a bottle of wine as I write this....


Anonymous said...

Love you Mom!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Linda and Dave-We made it home. Tired but glad to be home. Enjoyed our visit with you and the family. Your family is a great troop of cheerleaders.
Janet and Ken

Anonymous said...

The Oregon Jamboree sounds like fun.....have a "Ball"!

Did Linda find her package by the front door when you got home? Just something I thought would fit the "Journey".

Love you both bushels and more, always. Take care of one another for me.

Oodles of hugs......MomW

Anonymous said...

glas you had a good time at the races.

learned thru this process there are now 'new norms....found it hepful, when i figured it out.

1) the doctor visits never seem to end.

2) there is no staight line from A to Z.. lot os curves, turns, hill and valleys, dead ends and washouts. Not to mention sometimes you have no idea where in the hell you are going. aceepting this..... problem solve... keep some momentum... and don't let it get you down( much easier said than done).

3) while I trid to keep going at 'normal' for as long as i would have started storing a reserve of energy .

4) try and remembers...this is random, why it picked on you will never be known. what is...IS. focus on YOU, and accept all the help that people are willing to give.. love you.. JOHN

Anonymous said...

Linda and Dave,

I saw you guys in San Jose and wanted to say "hi", but I didn't.

It was late in the day, and I've learned that sometimes, if you're not thinking about cancer at the moment, the respite can be a good thing and there's no reason to drag someone into dark place if they've found a temporary reprieve.

Have a great trip and a succcessful journey,
Anonymous Dave

Anonymous said...

Linda (and Dave),
Just returned from Nebr. Know that I'm thinking of you daily. Sounds like a good getaway to the OR Jam. Will connect with you when you return. Am always available by phone if you need me or want to run something by me.

Julie Miles said...

I am so looking forward to seeing you this weekend. I miss you both so much and I am so thankful to have you in my life... Again please let me know if there are any goodies you want from the coast... We are bringing some fresh tuna for dinner.. My mom and Rays dad are going as well... It should be fun...

Love you both,
