Friday, August 31, 2007

Friday Afternoon...August 31st

Today Linda did her 16th day of radiation...4 more weeks to go.

Tuesday the medical oncologist decides whether to begin chemo again (2nd cycle) or wait a week.

We met with the radiology oncologist today.....he indicated everything was progressing well from what he is observing. He did explain that one's "frame of mind" has to be adjusted when considering cancer. He explained it like putting weed killer on a doesn't see the weed die as soon as the killer is put on doesn't happen in takes terms of cancer it takes weeks and months to know how things are turing out.

He indicated that it will be weeks after the end of the radiation to see how things are going in terms of the radiation (he doesn't speak in terms of the chemo). He said the radiation either causes the cancer sells to give up trying to multiply and/or divide in such a way that they "commit suicide"....

Linda's radiology nurse believes the headaches are sinus caused...Linda will consult with the chemo folks next week for some special medication to address the headaches and sinuses. Linda found backing off the prevacid caused the heartburn to return so she is back on it but in reduced amounts. It's all about "fine tuning".


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