Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sunday Evening...August 26th

Linda had a pretty good day today with the exception of the nagging headache...she worries now that the medications provided for the headache are providing sicklike symptoms.

Anyway, we are headed to dinner across the creek with neighbors.....YES.....we are driving rather than wading the creek (which would have been our OLD normal)!

Brother Marlin and sister in law Joni spend much of the day which was delightful. They then left to spend the rest of the week fishing and camping on Prineville Resevoir....about 50 miles east of here.

Tomorrow..back to the task at hand.



Anonymous said...

Hi Linda,

Just thought I'd check in and see how you are doing. I hope all these side health issues get resolved soon for you. Kelly and I are ready to head down to Fontana for the NASCAR races. We're both really excited. I'll have my cell phone with me if you need to get in touch while we are there. My prayers are with you. Love ya! Mick

Wendy Soethe said...

Know, then, whatever cheerful and serene supports the mind supports the body too.
~John Armstrong

So glad Marlin and Joni were there this weekend to cheer you up and give you some great company! Good to hear that your white blood count is up and you can hopefully resume radiation on Monday (ironic to say I hope you resume radiation but I know it's going to kick the cancer's butt) and especially that these starts and stops are normal in the process. I'm also really happy to hear that with your white blood count going up it sounds like you are much less susceptible to picking up bugs that you don't need. We're praying and pulling for you in Seattle - it is so sweet and touching to hear Taigen pray every day that her Grandma Linda feels better and gets better soon!

Love you! Wendy, Chris and Taigen

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you often. We are sedning positive energy your way!
I got up early to watch the CC race on Race Director yesterday. Will watch the taped replay today.
John will be leaving for Cancun on Thursday unless things take a turn for the worse with his mom. Every day we learn to put more value on the gift of good health and a positive attitude. Thanks to you and Dave for being such wonderful role models!