Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tuesday Evening...August 28th

Day 13 of Radiation (of 35)...

Day 13 was most unlucky for Linda...she continues with the headache and then got a stiff neck from sleeping (napping) in the wrong position....other things bother her but they take second position to the neck and head.

Linda is finding the difference between courage and fear is not very much....so she swings back and forth between the two...quite natural for what she is experiencing....she tries to put forth a brave face but the fear is always there.

Tomorrow is another day of radiation....day 14.



Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you're back in treatment with a positive white cell count. This is certainly a journey that comes one day at a time toward health. Hope you are able to be outsde some and enjoy the wonder God created in Central Oregon. We continue to hold you close in our thoughts, hearts, and prayers.

Anonymous said...

What is it Champ Car says these days? "A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, he is just braver longer." Keep that in mind, Linda. Fear and courage go hand-in-hand. Being brave and courageous just means that you've moved forward in spite of fear, not that you have conquered it. I've found that to be true many times in life.

Hold fast and keep moving forward, Linda. You'll make it through this. Fear may slow you down from time to time, but it will not stop you. You're a hero, more than any racecar driver ever could be! -Cheryl J

Anonymous said...

As a person going through 1 day at a time because of my disese I can understand to a degree. Just keep your faith through this journey. The power of prayer is amazing. It has to be for me to have made it this long! You and Dave are in our thoughts and prayers. Be strong, you are a fighter, and you have just begun to fight!!
love, Rilla (champcarchic)

Kathy I. said...

Dear Linda,
Maureen told me of your latest challenge with cancer. How I wish I had a magic wand which could take away this new challenge in your life. I do know you and know your strength, courage and positive attitude. You are definitely a fighter and I know with your determination you'll give this cancer a run for its money.

Ever since Maureen told me you were dealing with this, I've thought of you often and offered up a prayer for your complete recovery. There are so many people who care for you and who care about you that if good wishes were a healing balm you would be drenched in love and good health. I told Maureen that I would love to come with her to visit you when you feel up to a little company. I'm sorry life has taken us in different directions, but since the good ole Monmouth days you've held a special place in my heart.

Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers and I hope Maureen and I can arrrange a trip over to see you as soonas you are up to company. May the God of goodness surround you with His peace, love and healing presence today and take away any fear and replace it with perfect peace. Much love and hugs. Kathy Ivanoff