Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Tuesday..Really Late...August 15th

Ended up in a Wing's Seminar a week before I thought it was to start...what a shock....but this is a very important seminar in terms of setting my commitments, intentions, behaviors, etc etc with what is facing me in this new future...

Linda is well taken care of...Jim today and Julie tonight , tomorrow and the next day...and I'm checking in constantly.

The good news is Linda got her hydration again today and her creatinine was 1.1...which is had risen to 1.4 which raised the alarms yesterday. so tomorrow she gets the last of the chemo..the nasty is somewhat strange to wish so hard for something so nasty to the body..but Linda is committed to the cure..and this chemo is the "ticket". Now if we can apply what we've learned about nausea from last week..maybe it will be eaiser this round.

More tomorrow....


ps...the work I do with Wings Seminars can be found at Linda and I highly recommend it..we've been involved in the program for almost 20 years...Linda and I will be working with the couples seminar next month.

pss...the rumor is that Linda got her hair cut very short today and it is "spiked".....I believe to be a fact and not a rumor......they said that of all the side effects in cancer treatment ...the most impactful is the loss of is true.


Anonymous said...

Ooooh. Spiked hair! I always new there was a "wild woman" inside Linda! ;-)

Glad things are under control today, so Linda can continue with treatments. That's the deal with this stuff, so many variables and they're always all over the place. You stop, you start, you stop again. But, in the end, everything gets done. Thankfully, all the professionals know how to deal with all of it and can help you make your way through the confusion and frustration.

Sounds like you're doing great, Linda! Keep it up! - Cheryl J.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Linda and Dave;
You are both in our prayers and thoughts. We are looking forward to seeing you soon in Florida and having you over for dinner. Although, it won't compare to Linda's cooking :)

We love you both.
Terese and Neil

Anonymous said...

Spiked hair.....we must see a picture!
Linda, keep that sense of adventure going.
Lots of love sent to you from the fans at RA. We finally got to watch the race last night.