Friday, August 31, 2007

Friday Late..August 31st

Now we have a forest fire to the west of us to be concerned was as a result of lightning last night......and is just north of where we went yesterday with our Florida friends. It is still a ways from Sisters, but the smell of smoke is thick in the air...and in the house.

Linda wasn't feeling well tonight...and ate soft foods for dinner...and very little. Her esophagus is feeling raw as a result of the week's radiation. The acid reflux is back as a result of her laying off the the two don't do well together....hopefully tomorrow , having gone back on the Prevacid, there will be some relief. She went to bed early and is sleeping.

We plan on laying low this weekend and getting a lot of rest.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well this is our weekend together. California Speedway. Like you we are home laying low. By the looks of the TV were glad were not there in the 105+ weather. But if it meant Linda being there and feeling good I could bear it. Just wanted you to know even though were not together we are still thinking of you.......and missing the fresh baked cookies!

Love you guys!
M & K Quijada