Thursday, August 2, 2007

Thursday...AM...August 2nd

Some "Linda Shots" from San Jose

Linda with driver Christiano DeMatta who was severely injured last year in testing at Road America...they BOTH look good!
Linda with Mark Easley..who is EASILY one of our friends (Get it?)
On track in San Jose
There's that Easley guy again..I'm gonna have to keep an eye on him!
Public Relations Katie Brannan and Team Owner Tyler Tadevic presenting Linda with a driver signed vest from Pacific Coast Motorsports (unbelieveably great folks!)


Julie Miles said...

You are so Beautiful! Inside and out...

Thank you Dave for sharing...

I will see you tomorrow:)


Anonymous said...

"Throw back the shoulders, let the heart sing, let the eyes flash, let the mind be lifted up, look upward and say to yourself... Nothing is impossible!"

~ Norman Vincent Peale

Sometimes other people can just say what I want to say to you SO MUCH more eloquantly!

And look out for that Mark Eisley.. He's trouble.

Love you. Janine

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures. That gorgeous smile always brightens my day.

LUV U both bushels....and more.....always. Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey that Easley guy is scary looking... Dave, keep a very close eye on that guy!.. Linda, Looks like Sept. is still open for us.. lisa and I are going to plan out a roadtrip and somehow try to end up in Oregon! Now go and rest! ;)


Peter Leung said...

Really Heartwarming.

It was a blast seeing you in SJ Linda. All the best Always.