Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Late Afternoon, Aug. 15, 2007

I've heard a lot of requests for pictures of my new "do", but I'm not ready yet. I look in the mirror and think I'm looking at son Jim. I've lost my femininity! I'll play with the idea for a few days yet. Maybe by the time Dave gets home, I'll let him take a pic and post it. I'm not promising anything, tho. I think it's time to go wig shopping. Maybe I should post pictures of me in different colors and you can have a vote!

For today being the ugliest of all chemo days, I feel remarkably well. I rested a lot during the three and 1/2 hours I was being infused, so that helped. Son Jeff visited for a while and grand-daughter Jillian and her mom, Julie, also. I've also become buds with most of the nurses, too, which helps to pass the time.

You guys are getting more wordy in your comments, I love it! If there is a day where there are few to read, I go back and reread some of the older ones. Don't know what I'd do without our online relationship. Thanks again ever so much.

Love and gratitude........Linda


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that things went well today, and that you got some rest.

Are you sure you want us to vote on a wig for you?? It could get quite interesting...but I'm sure we'd all have fun voting though.(LOL)

Enjoy your time with your family, and keep up the super attitude! You're all in our thoughts every day!!

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it looks great Mom! I'll bring over a ton of hair product tomorrow and play around with it. I have no doubt we'll get the fun pixie look you want.

On another point that will bring you GREAT happiness (you and Dad), my stair banister is painted and ready to go back up. So quit your worrying!!

Love you and see you tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

There is a web site where you can try yourself with different hair. I remember finding it last month when I was looking for a new "do."
Glad today was a good one for you. On Good Morning America the discussion was about how to talk to your friend who has cancer. All I could think about was what a great idea this blog is for all of who care about you and Dave. It gives us a chance to be a part of your journey w/o bothering you with phonecalls and emails. When John or I have gone through an illness, we have appreciated the concern of our friends, but have become exhausted from repeating the same story to all.
A big THANK YOU to both of you for thinking of this great avenue of communication!

Anonymous said...'d be beautiful without hair or a wig. "beauty is as beauty does" and, in my opinion you're beautiful all the way through.

Janine, I think she'd look adorable in a Pixie-Cut. Maybe we could even find a cute little Pixie outfit to for her to wear with it. Oh what a picture that would make!!!

Tons of love to you all. Take care of one another for me. One way or the other I'm going to get down there to see you this summer.


Anonymous said...

Go treat yourself to a princess day -- that'll help the femininity thing. ;-) Nothing better than some sassy polish on the toes and well-manicured hands and nails. Maybe even some new jewelry or some scarves...

And do go get some hugs. Those will ease the soul.

Got ya' wrapped in that nice gold glow of healing and health and love. Keep on keepin' on, Linda.


Ginnie said...

Well you're looking pretty good there kid! I think many wigs - purple, red, blonde, etc. Voting sounds fun but you will be gorgeous no matter what to those of us who love you.