Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday Evening...September 21st

Linda out for her second walk of the day....with Janine....the walk is set to prevent pneumonia and blood clots. Linda made the whole circuit around the ward each time...they were impressed.

The feeding tube was put in late this the "feeding frenzie" began....Janine and Pastor Paul got to watch the "live x-ray" display which guides the insertion of the tube.

How good is Linda feeling?...we asked her what she needed...she said: "wild sex!".....her humor is returning! Where the pain was a 10 (or more) is now a 2 or a 3 for the most part.....this is great! Linda is getting food, pain relief, sleep and a good attitude...good signs.


ps....I forgot to mention that Suzie, the nurse practitioner from the Clinic , who has overseen Linda's journey, came all the way over today to visit and check on Linda...and this is a very busy lady! We were very impressed and greatful for her commitment to Linda. Thank much.


Julie Miles said...

I am so glad to see you up and around... Great picture of you and Janine....
We love you so much... I want to come and see you soon just for hugs and kisses....
I miss you!
Be a good girl and keep that feeding tube in for the night... You need lots of good food for strength..

I love you... Julie

Anonymous said...

Linda & Dave,

So glad to see you up and moving around. Our prayers continue. I was up early this morning to pick up the house before the housekeeper arrives. {I thought they were the ones to come and clean.} Keep your spirits up.
PS. I enjoyed the "son set" picture.

Ron Morlan
RAC 69

Julie Miles said...

We love you guys.... We miss you both so much... We are sending you lots of love today!

Julie & Jillian