Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wednesday Afternoon....September 19th

"Loopy Linda" is trying to sleep..what a noisy place....she gets "cat naps" and then there is a noise..and then....

Linda is having the blood transfusions going in now..two pints... her fever has reduced and her pulse went back down to normal.

"Mr. Caregiver" (Me) is still working ......I gave Linda a great footrub with a payback if I ever get in the same situation....I also help her when she needs to go to the bathroom....doesn't sound complicated, but with multiple tubes into both arms, oxygen, etc. etc., it is a project.

Jeff is coming at 4 pm so I can go do some tasks, get Sadie, and come back for the evening. Janine is coming Friday morning....

I forgot to mention, I now have a heart murmur ....diagnosed yesterday at my followup for the high blood tomorrow I have a test done to see the extent...the Doc said " long have you had this heart murmur" which I said: "WHAT????????"'s a B**** getting old! Enjoy your health while you have it!



mclark2112 said...

Dave and Linda, Marissa and I wish we could be out there to help. You two just make sure you're ready for Laguna next year. We'll meet you by the pit entrance, and we can figure out how to outsmart the rent-a-guards!

Cheryl Jones said...

A heart murmur? If it's any comfort, Dave, I had one when I was younger and it's gone now. They don't always stick around. Don't fear.

Wow, the two of you have been through a lot the past few days. I can't keep up!! My thoughts are constantly with you for a solution to all the pain and some solid sleep!

So glad the hospital is able to help Linda feel better and get her some nutrition. Keep plugging through each day, you two... it will get better.

Love you both so much!