Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Wednesday Evening.....September 5th

Day 18 of 35 Radiation ("Hump Day")....Day 2 of 6 Cycle 2 of Chemo .......

Linda did her second day of chemo per the above..slept most of the session..this is the first time she's done that...we think it is because of the medication she is taking for the nausea the working! We have learned how to "get ahead of the side effects" rather than "chase the side effects" as we were doing in Cycle 1. Each person experiences the chemicals differently and it takes a round to figure it out.

Linda has been a bit unsteady on her feet today...possibly again because of the medication and/or the number of radiation sessions compounded by the second cycle of chemo.

We have been meeting a lot of different cancer patients..each has a different story and a different is most incredible to experience the vast kinds of cancers (knowing there are even more) and how each human being is doing his/her "journey". This is a "world within a world"..."a world of it's own".......hard for "normal " folks to's "priorities" and "needs" are all rearranged....each one is doing it "uniquely" and with "strength" and "dignity"......enough said......



Julie Miles said...

You look so peaceful!
I love you!
We love you!!!!!
All of the way to the moon and back...

Julie, Jillian and Fam

Lindy said...

Linda- You are amazing. You look so beautiful for all of this you are going through. You are a true hero!!! Keep smiling and keep up the positive thoughts. You are going to be fine. I am at my mom's house and I was sharing your blog with her. She was crying and said how strong you are. We are sending good thoughts your way.
Love, Lindy and Donna