Thursday, September 6, 2007

Thursday Night....September 6th

Day 19 of Radiation (16 to go)....Day 3 of Chemo (3 to go)

Linda actually weathered the day fairly well. Her radiation session included news that she will be xrayed and remapped tomorrow....followed by the Friday meeting with the radialogy we'll know how things are progressing at that time.

Linda slept through most all of the chemo infusion today....two days in a row..this is new behavior for whatever reason.....can't hurt for sure.

The side effects continue to be minimal (as opposed to the first cycle)....Linda's pulse rate was up today...and then she remembered she hadn't taken her heart medication which lowers the rate....a quick fix to that! I've been keeping an eye on the cancer treatment I am watching the normal long term medications like the hormones and heart prescriptions too.

Linda's high school friend Claudia came by today and spent the afternoon....she was a great support (and has been).....Linda hopes to see her more.

Bottom line...Linda is weathering this portion of the treatment well....still some side effects like the loss....weak...but avoiding some unpleasant side effects that came up in the first round...

As we discussed this evening......these are side effects deliberately brought about by a process deliberately induced to cure her of cancer.....



Anonymous said...

I love the pic of you sleeping.. What a wonderful way to escape the real world and dreamland can be so wonderful.. I hope your dreams are of your future and having this all behind you..with fifty plus more years of health and happiness.. Keep up the positive attitude and BELIEVE.
Luv Ya, Lil Sis

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're doing much better this round, Linda! Keep hanging tough! -Cheryl J.