Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tuesday Afternoon...September 11th

Radiation day 22...13 to go. Chemo cycle 2 completed

Today Linda completed her 22nd day of radiation..she was late coming out as she was found in a room waiting for the radiation oncologist...to which she was reminded it was tomorrow!. Duh..chemo brain!

Linda went over to the infusion center at the clinic..not for another dose of chemo but rather some additional hydration because of her "drama" yesterday..and they are "buffing" and "fluffing" her up for her upcoming Mexico trip to see Jim and Jenn get married. Linda also got a booster shot for red cell production. All in all, she is weathering this well. Fatigued and tired...and a sore esophagus....they have given her some additional pain medication for the esophagitis which is in liquid form....

Linda ran into another patient who had terminal pancreatic cancer...it put things into perspective for Linda in terms of feeling sorry for herself....as she said:.."things could be worse"

It reminded me of a race car driver who lost his legs in a racing accident. His name is Alex Zanardi...who happens to be Linda's favorite race car driver of all times (Jimmy Vasser running a close second)...I will find a picture or two of Alex and Linda together when I have time and post them.

Anyway Alex wrote a book about his racing experiences including his accident where he lost his legs. A very striking and impacting reference in the book has to do with Alex opening the door in the hospital and a man in a wheel chair was coming through from the other direction. The man asked Alex for his autograph...and Alex asked him how he was doing. The man said he was alright and then added: ""You're lucky to have some of your legs left so you can walk at least ,whereas I don't and will have to be in a wheelchair forever". Alex found this put things into perspective for him in his road to recovery and a positive life.

Again, a very powerful reminder and message for both of us....

In Wings, they talk about every event being "neutral"...it's what you do with or as a result of the event that will be your experience.....isn't that what The Secret is really all about?

And today is September 11th.................



Cheryl Jones said...

Linda has fine taste in racecar drivers! I agree with Alex first and Jimmy a close second, myself. Indeed, Alex is a great inspiration, as is Linda for all of us reading this blog.

Sounds like Linda's keeping everyone on their toes. How kind of her to give the nurses something exciting to do! ;-)

You're doing great, Linda! Stay strong!

Anonymous said...

What a profound statement by Alex Zanardi! It's so easy to lose oneself in pity, and it's always amazing how there are these moments when we're ripped back to reality and the realization of how truly lucky and blessed we are.

Ironically, I find the same thing with myself and dealing with your cancer Mom. People are always asking me, "How is your mom?" and then "How are YOU?" and some days it's harder for me to find the light at the end of the tunnel in all of this, but some days I really get how lucky I am that you ARE going to make it through this (while others won't) and how lucky I was to be raised by you, and have you in my life. I hear from people around me who have no mother, and it puts me in the right frame of mind of how this will all be okay and my mom will be here for years to come. So I get this Alex guy...

Anyway, it was an interesting day at school as only one of my students knew why the flag was at half mast, and I can remember like yesterday having to teach that day. I guess these kids were only three. Watching MSNBC relive the moments of this day is a good reminder of how lucky we all are.

Just know you are loved and thought about all the time! You are an incredible woman today, and always. See you this weekend?
love, Janine

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on completing your second chemo cycle! You've had such a positive attitude through this that I truly believe that is what is pulling you through all of this. I wish I had such courage! What an example for all of us.

Thank you again Linda (and Dave!) for sharing this journey will all of us. Your updates have been so meaningful as we all root you on in your journey.

Sending well wishes your way!
Shelly & Jason Paul

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Linda. Sorry to hear about the fainting spells, but sounds like you are back in business now. What strength you have. It is nice to have a goal: Jim and Jenn's wedding to work towards. I know too well, firsthand the energy account and the outlay of energy vs. the amount of energy available. It is especially a challenge for those of us use to living life to the fullest. You look terrific, your attitude is amazing and you will beat this thing! Hope today is a great one for you.
Much love,