Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tuesday..very Late...September 18th

Linda was hospitalized today..and that is a good thing.....she was losing the fight with the pain...no way to get on top of it. Also the feeding had not been set up properly for us...and the right system was finally put into place...but in the hospital she can get the right formulas to gain the strength she needs.

Linda is extremely neutropenic..which is to be expected..in the hospital she can receive the medications she need to fight off any infections as well as blood transfusions, etc. etc. she cannot receive any flowers or ice.....(who sends ice these days?). Visitors have to wash their hands before entering and cannot be sick in any way..we don't even want her touched.....

Sons Jim and Jeff were with her in the hospital.....Jim had been helping out at home and also saw what an enormous task was at hand.

The doctor said she has really been affected by the chemo and radiation in her chest...and he is treating her now for many possible possibilities....they are using a pain pump to manage the pain.....

Anyway, I'm tired..very tired..this is about what I can summarize for tonight.



Anonymous said...

I know it is a good thing for you to be in the hospital. You have stayed out longer than most. I am glad you are receiving stronger pain medicines and better nutrition. Sometimes it may seem like the cure is worse than the cancer because you are fighting side effects every minute. The Chemo and radiation effect the fastest growing normal cells ,hair,skin nails and the lining of of your entire GI tract.
They will also repair themselves the fastest. Hang in there. You can do this!
The nurses may have told you this but keep yourself from getting sick from others. You should take a box of masks home with you to wear when you have visitors. Do not eat lettuce. If you eat fruit somebody else should wash it with soap.Do not dust or be around dust.
Dave, Take a little time for yourselve while Linda is in the hospital.
Love you both,

Anonymous said...

Linda and Dave,
You are not in this alone. All of us whose lives you have touched are doing what we can through our thought and prayers to help you have a successful journey. We read the blog every day and share the difficulites you are going through. You continue to be an inspiration to us in our daily lives. For both of you, this stay in the hospital is a necessary thing. Glad you are getting treatment for all those concerns.

Anonymous said...

Hey Big Bro, take care of you through all of this.. We need you okay and so does your other half.. Get lots of rest while you can and remember we all love you...
My thoughts and prayers are with you both...
Luv Ya, Lil Sis

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Both of You. You can get through this - you have so many prayers and love going your way. Check your blog first thing every day when I turn my computer on.