Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday Evening, October 26, 2007

21st Day

Dave said I should do the post today, as he wasn't sure he could be correct on all the changes.

I waited the 24 hours, but found my symptoms hadn't cleared all that much, especially the belching of the tube food, so until it does, I decided to ignore the machine and try some real food. I had Dave take me food shopping and picked up some things I might try. I have had a half bottle of boost so far and a little jello, with little difficulty swallowing. I am trying just swallows at a time till my tummy adjusts to having food in it again. I called the nutritionist and she supported my decision, saying to just get through the weekend until I can get back in their care. Dave wants to take me home tomorrow, but I'm determined to stay through Sunday to attend the wedding reception.

My nerves are shot, though, and I know that is contributing to my tummy ills. I called the after hours doctor and he suggested a couple things including a heating pad and some 7-up. I have one medication that has a little anxiety relief but not much.

I thought all my problems were going to be over after the realligning of the feeding tube, but, was I ever wrong. I'm really having to pick myself up by the bootstraps, now. My strength is faltering and I can't allow that to happen. So right now, I'm asking for prayers of strength from all of you. I feel like I am in constant prayer mode, lately, but a few more can't hurt.

Thanks again for all of you who are hanging in there with me at this time. I love you all.

Love and gratitude....Linda


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Linda. I am doing long distance healing(Reiki) for you as soon as I leave the computer. Those of us who read the blog daily can keep up with your journey, but can only try to FEEL what you are experiencing, especially emotionally. We are there with you and for you....I have some healing work to do.

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda,
Thanks for letting us know how you are feeling. I prayed immediately when I read your email. I pray that your system will get stronger each day and that you can tolerate the nourishment your body needs to heal. I pray the anxiety would subside and that you could enjoy the reception fully. You are so storng and there are many of us lifting you up in prayer each day. Keep on believing.
Much love,
Kathy I.

Anonymous said...

Dear cousin Linda;
When I read your note, the following came to mind:
The Lord gives strength to His people;
The Lord blesses His people with peace. Psalm 29:11
I pray for strength and peace for both you and Dave.
Ruth Ann

Wendy Soethe said...

Hang in there. I'm sorry things have gotten so much worse over the course of today (added on top of the previous days). I hope to see you in better spirits tomorrow, able to eat more of the normal food and relaxed. We can't wait to see you and our prayers, as always, include you both.

Love, Chris, Wendy and Taigen

Anonymous said...

Linda ,
I had hoped things would start to turn around for you after the feeding tube adjustment. You are in our thougths and prayers. You probably should stay away from milk products for a while. You might try scrambled eggs at slightly warm , not hot,for protien . Simple sugars like fluffy white bread, and warmed broths from a can with protien and/or fat. To add a fruit try applesause ,not cold, might be good. When you start back to milk , Chocolate milk digests better than white milk.
I hope to hear you do not need the tube any more....
Hang in there,
Love Denise

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Linda (and Dave). Hopefully today will be a better day for you.

You are both in our thoughts and prayers every day. Just stay strong and keep BELIEVING! :)

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

Hey Linda,

I am hoping and praying you start feeling better and can make it to the reception. I know with all these prayers you'll find the strength you need. In the meantime, here is something encouraging taken from Isaiah 40:29-31:

"He is giving to the tired one power; and to the one without dynamic energy he makes full might abound. Boys will both tire out and grow weary , and young men themselves will without fail stumble, but those hoping in God will regain power. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not tire out."

Here's to God giving you "wings like eagles" when you need them. We're rooting for you!


Marissa and Matt

Anonymous said...

Hey Lil Lady, Thank You for letting us know how you are feeling. I am certainly praying for you, everyday. I started crying when I read your blog, because we are all powerless to help you, except through prayer.
Love ya Lady.. And I dont really know you as well as I would like. I wish I had stayed closer to my family, alot sooner. Thank you for allowing us all into your world. Lil Sis

Anonymous said...

Linda - How about trying a little oat bran. Its easy to fix in the microwave and really easy to swallow and I eat it without using milk - just a little butter. Let it cool. Its filling and warm and I notice most of what you are eating is cool. It is always the first thing I eat when I am recuperating from the flu or just to warm myself up a bit. Just an old fashioned idea. Praying for you and keeping up with your blog everyday. Janet Chubb

Julie Miles said...

Hi Linda,
I love you ....
I am hoping Jillian can be some good medicine for you today. She was so excited to see you.. Let her fill you with some extra love, hugs and kisses. She really does magic to ones heart and soul...
I love you, i love you, I love you,...