Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sunday Night Second Set of Pictures...October 28th

Above...Granddaughter Taigen...Linda...daughter Wendy and son in law Chris

Below ...Linda...son and groom Jim....Barb (Allen's wife)....Linda's brother in law Allen...son Jeff...daughter Janine and granddaughter Jillian upfront

Linda's friend and insurance agent Judy....daughter Janine..and Linda

Son and groom in law Allen...Son Jeff....Barb (Allen's wife)...bride Jenn....Linda...daughter Janine..and granddaughter Jillian in front
Bride with the groom and us

Linda's dear friends the Durhams'...he was our dentist also for many years...


Anonymous said...

Wow!! Great pictures... and you look awesome, Linda! Hope the two of you had a great time at the reception.

Here's to another great day for both of you!! :)

Jim and Swee

Julie Miles said...

Linda you are sooooooo Beautiful... What a gift friends and family can give to you... You have the power to heal yourself... You are so strong and so amazing! I am so PROUD of you..
I miss you incredibly and wish so much that I could have been there.