Saturday, October 13, 2007

Saturday Morning (and Afternoon) (and Evening).....October 13th

Day 8 of healing....a day of experimentation...

Linda is trying to eat "real food" very small amounts...her esophagus feels it but she is determined to set some goals for real healing...which includes the start of eating....

As a note of importance to us and some of you....John Homan passed away this past week at age 51.....John is someone I have thought of a lot....and have been part of some of his life experiences, in particular, Wings Seminars.....Linda and my sympathies go to Wendy and Ashley and others in his family. I understand a celebration of life will be held next on the 21st of October at the Mountain View High school Auditorium in Bend at 2 pm. I also understand a John Homan Scholarship Fund has been established at Wings Seminars (



Linda ate some jello...felt pretty good...this morning she ate part of a waffle...kind of hard to swallow...I reminded her that she ended eating soft foods, mostly that's what she's going with for the next few days at least.

We took a long walk..longest yet....visited the neighbors across the creek and looked at how the bridge construction is going (which will affect traffic at the end of our street).....tomorrow we are walking to the community fall festival which is close but still a good walk...


Linda drank some ENSURE....didn't like it at all (picky...picky) tomorrow it's Carnation Instant Breakfasts and Slimfasts.....she likes those.....AND more jello. She did well in meeting her water intake targets today.


Anonymous said...

Greetings from beautiful Puerto Vallarta!

Wendy and I spent all day at this absolutely FABULOUS 5 star resort, swimming in an amazing pool and getting massages after listening to the timeshare sales pitch. We know what we want for Christmas this year!!! ;)

It's been a great trip but it's over tomorow. We've thought of you often and talked about you a lot. Looking forward to a TRUE family vacation in the future.

Much love,
Janine and Wendy

Wendy Soethe said...

PS. Good going on progressing back to food!

Anonymous said...

Hi Honeys....sorry I haven't written for a while but a lot has been going on here too. The biggest problem, concerning writing, is that I have "Thumb-based Arthritis" which makes it painful to write or type. Here is the URL for info about what I have:

It isn't bad in the left hand but the right one hurts clear up into my shoulder and neck. The pain isn't severe unless I do something "stupid". You might say it's "a pain in the neck" Joke!

I certainly hope your pain continues to lessen Linda....and I know you suffer almost as much David. It's impossible to be as close as you two are without feeling one anothers pain.

Kelly got her new knee the first part of April. After the surgery she was laid up for almost a month and then went from a walker to a cane (which she still uses). She was allowed to go back to work a week or so ago as long as she can limit herself to what she can do sitting down. Since she's in Dispatch now (mostly computer work), instead of the Library, she's able to do that. She has four work-study students she can assign to do the lifting and carrying, etc.

Sorry to take so much space on your Blog honeys but thought as long as I was typing I might as well get as much news to you as possible.

Take care of yourselves and remember I love you a whole worldful, now and forever. Lotsa hugs.....Mom

Anonymous said...

Here's the rest of that URL....for some reason it got chopped off:
Sorry 'bout that......Mom

Anonymous said...

Here's the rest of that URL....for some reason it got chopped off:
Sorry 'bout that......Mom

Oops.....I almost forgot.....Kelly said to tell you both she sends her love.

Anonymous said...

You're going to think I'm crazy but honestly, I'm not. In the paragraph about Kelly's was in September, not April :-) Since my Strokes my brain gets "boggled" once in a while....not serious, just aggravating. Sorry about that.

Mom again.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful message for everyone today, Linda.With all the great things you are doing.Brings tears to my eyes to thank of our blessings with you and Dave.
So sorry about your friend.
Love you guys alot and think of you and talk about your great strength.
Janet and Ken