Friday, October 5, 2007

Friday Evening....October 5th's over....34 days of radiation.....

Then we learned that the effects of a radiation session are felt at maximum 3 days after the it makes sense why Linda felt at her worst last weekend....not on Friday....Saturday....or Sunday....but the following Monday (after last friday's radiation session).

So this Monday is the "peak" and then the "healing begins!".....

Linda got a certificate today for her "efforts" in radiation......

What now?

Linda is back in for a meeting with the Radiation Oncologist in two weeks to assess her healing and progress.....then, as mentioned earlier, she does a scan on the 29th and a meeting with the Medical Oncologist on the 30th. We guess at that time, next steps will be laid out.

What else? The nutritionist thinks Linda's "mystery pain" is the tannin in the tea she is drinking to get her daily liquid minimums.....Linda only uses a very weak tea but that's the thought....the nutritionist recommended a blend of banana and juice taken orally in small amounts to take care of that problem and some others....Linda though found the blend painful to her well as warm juice we are trying to figure this all out.

Linda's temperature dropped last night as quickly as it went up....and didn't get close to the "concerned temperature".

I think I mentioned Linda got a quilt from the Cancer Center as a gift from the Crook County quilter's is blue with hearts....Linda is having her nurses and caregivers sign it within the hearts...and then she will hang it as a reminder of the many, many caring people who took care of her.

I am struck by the fact that Linda served on the board of the American Cancer Society in Salem years ago......worked on items for the Assistance League of Bend for cancer patients and crocheted prayer shawls for Nativity Luthern Church for cancer and other ill patients....and now she has received a prayer shawl and a quilt as gifts from others helping cancer patients...."what goes around...comes around"....



Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt for a beautiful lady. Glad this is healing time for you. What an amazing accomplishment! Can't wait to give you a hug at the track!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Linda and Dave....You've made it! It was lovely to see your radiant smile as you held up the quilt with hearts. What a gorgeous quilt and a loving reminder that there are many hearts who love and care about you. I have been praying today for you as you complete this radiation. Here's to lots of wild times at the wedding and in the future months. You deserve a break :)

Keep thinking those positive thoughts, resting, eating healthy and getting into some mischief and you'll be back to even a better "old self" before you know it.
Love and hugs to a real trooper.
Kathy Ivanoff

Lindy said...

Yah Whoo!!! Congrats mama Linda and Dave!! One step down :-) You guys deserve the very best. Hang in there and keep your heads up. The healing begins now :-) Many hugs are sent your way. Love, Lindy

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Linda. Although I haven't met you yet, I met Dave when he was in Edmonton. So I look forward to meeting you as well next year as well. Keep on fighting. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Dave as always.

Stan & Connie

Anonymous said...

Yeh!!!!!!!!! Now it'stime to heal. My prays are with you both.

Ron Morlan

Jenn said...

Yeh! you are done with radiation! Jim said he baked you a cake and then he ate it. He just called me his wife. WIERD!!!
We can't wait to see you. I hope the Gods will let you get on that plane. Cat and Toby are here and they want to see you dance with your son.
We love you,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on completing your radiation! You truly are an amazing woman, Linda. Get lots of rest and hope you start feeling better. We're thinking of you, and praying that you'll feel better to make the trip to Mexico for the wedding.

Loved the photo of you with the quilt. Keep your spirits up and keep smiling. :)

Dave - great job hanging in there with all this too!! You're awesome!!

Have a great weekend! :)

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

Linda and Dave...we are with you every step of the way...We pray for a speedy recovery. Cam and Chantelle in MD

Anonymous said...

You are an awesome Lady... Congradulations... Take care of you... Much needed rest is in order. Your body has gone through alot. Take things slow and let the healing begin.. Luv Ya, Lil Sis...

PTRacing said...

Congratulation Linda on completing your radiation treatment. That's a beauitful smile to go along with that beauitful quilt. Dave thanks for take care of our Champ Car Lady. Let the healing process begin. God Bless both of you.
