Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday Evening.....October 22nd

17th Day of healing......a step back

Linda experienced the same intestinal aches that were present last Friday and previous to that....the reduction in the food and the medication worked great Saturday and Sunday but returned this morning..the puzzling part was that previously it had occurred in the it was early morning.

St Charles Hospital is no help..they have 7 dietitians and we cannot get help from any one of them...they don't return calls....and the one working with Linda has been gone on a two week vacation..with no one to answer her calls etc.

The nurses in the cancer center in the hospital are trying to help...the nurse practitioner at the Clinic is trying to help..but we still feel lost and nervous about this side effect that someone should know specifically what it is...others must have experienced it...

Tomorrow we try again...Linda got a small "feed" at noon today but nothing since..we are going to try a part of a can tonight...but rest assured tomorrow we are going to make some demands of the hospital..this is unreasonable..particularly when she is under their care for the feeding.



Anonymous said...

I feel your frustration all the way here in the Midwest! For someone so willing to do what it takes, Linda, I just cannot understand why you are not getting the right answers......or ANY answers.
Go get 'um tomorrow....

Anonymous said...

That has to be so frustrating to not get you questions answered by the professionals.You would think they would leave someone in charge that would or could answer important questions.Sounds like you are trying different things to see what works. At least you can tell them what doesn't work when they suggest something that you have already tried. We pray that you will find something that works especially by Saturday that you will feel better.
I know Dave will let them have it today. Tell them they have the whole U.S. on their backs.
Janet and Ken

PTRacing said...

Just when you think your starting to turn the corner you have to take a few steps back. I'll keep praying for you as this struggle keeps your progress from moving forward. What are the chances of you being at the Champ Car banquet on Nov. 16th?

Take care and keep fighting.