Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thursday Evening...October 25th

Day 20 of Healing.....When is this gonna end?

This drama of the feeding tube and all has come to dominate Linda says..this has been the worse part of the whole thing so far....and that is pretty significant.

Today we got a hold of the hospital's dietitian...Linda's regular dietitian is on vacation.....the dietitian understood the problem and the symptoms and the frustration and.....and. She spent the morning consulting with other dietitians and Linda's nurse practitioner and others.

This they know......Linda has an intolerance to the food......the question is why did it show up after 2-3 weeks of "no" problems.....why is it such a dominant issue now. Bloating, diarrhea and belching are clear signs of intolerance.

The plan: Linda is going off the food for 24 hours....then she is going back on in small metered amounts (instead of 100 ml per will be 25 ml per hour) and work her way back up. On Monday Linda is having another XRAY with the possibility that the tube came back up again (they claim it has happened). If this isn't the issue and if she continues to have an intolerance, they will find another food formula.

Also...Linda can start to eat by mouth if she can tolerate it...her desire is to experiment with "real" food tomorrow and maybe...maybe she will say "&*#^*# it all" ..pull out the tube and stay with the real stuff.

We shall see.

Stay tuned.



Cheryl Jones said...

I had a dream last night that featured the two of you. We ran into each other in the hallway of a medical building (I was going to the dentist). I gave Dave a giant hug. Linda, I couldn't hug because she was carrying a box of stuff (things for your RV, perhaps?). Why on Earth Linda had to carry the box, I've no idea (come on, Dave!). I kept telling Linda how great she looked. She was a little thin, but was back up to her full energy level, talking and laughing, her hair was grown in and she was 100%. And, as usual, the two of you were on your way from here to there at a rush (just like at the track).

I'm going to hope that the dream was a sign of things to come very soon. Except Dave should carry the box...

My next dream was about hanging out with PT in a parking lot/paddock at Irwindale Speedway. An odd night!

Hope you're doing better today, Linda. Love to you both.

Anonymous said...

Hope your weekend is better than yesterday.

Take care... we're thinking of you!

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

Hey Lil Lady, sorry to hear about all the problems you are experiencing. Enough is enough, huh? I hope what ever the issues are, that they get resolved soon. I know that the chemo breaks down everything to take away the bad. I quess in the process tho, it has taken its toll on all the good stuff, too. Your system has to rejuvenate itself and get healthy again. I BELIEVE with everything in me that you will get better and be cancer free. It is just a process to get there. My prayers are with you both, for a fast and speedy recovery. Love Ya, Lil Sis