Friday, November 30, 2007

Friday Evening......November 30th

Not a bad day........

Linda and I went to her new internist to see about the rapid heart rate and all.....suprise...the internist was worried about the low blood pressure and all....particularly the incident last Friday where Linda had to be rushed to the hospital. The internist has scheduled two tests for where Linda wears a monitor for 24 hours showing what her heart is doing and a test involving the endocrine glands (I think).....where blood is drawn at different times under different circumstances (I think)...we will know Monday for sure.

The internist arranged for a blood test also to check Linda's counts..we went over to the main clinic to have it done as we wanted Susie the nurse practitioner to see it also....the counts were down..not dangerously so as during earlier treatments ..but numbers to watch....Linda was predicted to have her low count point on Wednesday (the 10th day)...but it happened last night or early today (day 11 or 12) Linda has to be somewhat careful until Sunday and go on antibiotics if her temperature goes up...(so we canceled a trip to Costco today!).....actually we are told that open shopping sites are not a concern as much as smaller closed rooms...but we aren't taking a chance and came home to lie low for the's cold out there anyway.

Linda feels stronger today..she ate well yesterday ...she is doing even better our hope is that next week will be her "feel good" (great?) week. She has a good attitude and is eager to do some "strength" exercises to get some muscle back.....supported by the doctors. She has gained two pounds this week.

It will be interesting to see how Linda does when she feels better near the end of this cycle..whether the heart stuff goes away....and no side effects....I think what we will try to do is "sneak away" for a couple of days before the next cycle starts on the 11th. I know of a couple of places on rivers on the west side of the mountains where we could hide out and breathe and relax.


1 comment:

PTRacing said...

Thanks Dave for the update. A little get away is always good for the sprit. I glad to hear Linda gain a couple of pounds and feeling a little better. Prayers are still coming your way. Take care of our Champ Car Lady. Bless you both.
