Monday, November 26, 2007

Monday Evening...November 26th

Today was a bit better than the day before...which had been a bit better than the day before......

Linda's blood pressure and pulse went up for while..maybe due to the moving around in the morning or the seems to be up one day...down the next.....

She is drinking a lot of fluids..not leaving that to chance....

Linda suggested we do our Christmas letter today...we not only did it but mailed it too.......and I got all the bills paid (which might not sound like much in this day and age of automatic payments)....but these doctor and hospital and...and..bills go on forever ...even with insurance.....anyway it was a productive day.

We watched a lot of Garth Brooks concerts today .....he has a set of five published together....I find his music very meaningful and touching as we go though this cancer process.

Linda is working on her Christmas decorations..which is not a small task..but she is limited to one plastic storage bin a day (she's just started her second one of the you know she has a mind of her own...and says she feel a bit more energetic).....much of her day was resting on the couch so a energy burst "ain't" bad.

Anyway we hope tomorrow goes easy on Linda and the next day is a check in with the doctor so we can discuss what the past week plus has been like.



Anonymous said...

Wow, holiday decorating is a tedious task for anyone. Way to go with your great ambition!

Glad to hear your spirits are in the right place; perhaps the Christmas season will help with that as well.

You're in our thoughts today, as always.

shelly & jason paul

Anonymous said...

Sounds like we're up to the same things gettig ready for the Christmas season. I have such good memories of singing in the choir with your Mom and being the Advent Lady at Zion. Keep the faith, Linda, know that we are amoung the thousands praying for you each and every day.

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda,

Although we haven't posted a comment in ages, please know that we do read the blog faithfully, and are constantly keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. You are so courageous and beautiful in your battle!

As for you, Dave, your bravery and support are a wonderful thing to see. Every cancer patient should have a Dave!

Susan & Rick (the Anteaters)