Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thursday Evening....November 1st

27th Day of Healing

Linda had another healing day...I think there is some improvement but hard to convince her....since she is completely off pain medication, she feels a slight pain in the left lung...the Oncologist said there was some scarring there from the radiation...the good news is there is no esophogus pain.

She still has discomfort in her gut. The Clinic is having her do a sample to see if there is any infection...we take it in tomorrow....if not it is something that will get better over time, we hope. She continues to eat in small amounts ...many times a day.

I have an MRI tomorrow as I have lost much hearing in my left ear....I thought it was being around Champ Car too much but the Doctor says it is too unequal a loss from the left to the right they are testing tomorrow to identify, if possible, the problem. Linda had the same thing years ago in her left ear...she actually went deaf....they determined it was virus caused.....strange I have a problem with the same ear.

We leave for Portland tomorrow and fly to Florida early Saturday....we look forward to the warm weather and to see friends...we have had many phone calls from Florida friends once the word was out we were heading that direction.....bless them all. We will see you soon.



Wendy Soethe said...

Go to Florida, soak up some warm sunshine and relax on your awesome back patio or at the pool! Sounds incredible to me, even though I was just down in Mexico. Let us know if you see any alligators in the backyard.

It was so wonderful seeing you both last weekend and celebrating Jim and Jenn's wedding! It will be great to get together for Thanksgiving this year as well.

Not much new in Seattle to report other than Taigen, Grace, Pryce, Katelyn, Wyatt, Scott, Tim, Tanya, Chris and I all went trick-or-treating last night and we have some pictures to download and send. The kids were all incredibly cute and they scored lots of candy! Oh and our friends, Crystal and Jeremy, had their baby boy Halloween morning.

Love you, Wendy

Unknown said...

Wish I could see you two again...I am planning on coming your way over Thanksgiving, are you around or will you be in the valley?
Have a great time in Flordia sunshine always picks up my spitit, hopefully it will do the same for you...Rest and Relax you BOTH deserve it...

Lindy said...

Enjoy your time away. You guys deserve it. Jason just got back from Florida and came back nice and tan. Soak up some heat for all of us. Enjoy and have safe travels. ;-) Lindy