Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tuesday Evening.....November 27th

Kind of a stressful day but uneventful....and that's the good news......

Linda woke this morning and discovered she had lost two more pounds....which resulted in a tearful...anxiety filled hour before things calmed down.....it was fear based.....actually she is doing well on the weight but her being more focused on it cannot hurt...

And then.......

Linda's pulse was elevated again today....128.....not good..we were told to call in if it was over 100 so the call went in....but Susie has Tuesdays off so we didn't get any response until this evening....hence a lot of stress.

We are not sure what is causing the elevation but the doctor said he would get involved tomorrow.. (Linda has a scheduled appointment with nurse practitioner Susie to do blood counts etc)...it is our hope (big time) to figure out these blood pressure and pulse swings...last week she was in the emergency room with a low pulse and pressure..this week the pulse is high.

Son Jeff came over for dinner tonight...visitors are invaluable..Linda changes her focus and is "uplifted"....more visits and comments in the BLOG are keys to helping her out.....she gets much from both...

Thanks for every one's support.....



Anonymous said...

You're always in Lisa and my thoughts. Stay strong!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there...and know that you are always close in thought.

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

Linda, as Lisa and Roger says "you are always in their thoughts". That is the same with me. Honey Child, you have come a long way and you will get there I know you will. You have all of us and your family with you every step of the way.
At times we are so impatient we want it to be better right away but good thing come to those who wait. You will do it.
Love, Janet

Julie Miles said...

Ms LInda:)
I thought of you so much yesterday as I hung our Christmas lights on our house, I hung my wreaths on my doors (which you made for me) and I hung our stockings on the fireplace... Jillian hung her's (the one you made her)so you were in all of our thoughts yesterday. I told her the story of you making her her stocking and then we all shared our stories of being with you at Christmas time. Some of our most favorite memories are with you... Even for the boys, Trevor especially loved being at your home, loving all of your wonderful decorations, and the love that comes from you when we are at your home. You always make us feel so special and so loved. Remember the Christmas when I was sick in bed, you and Jim took such great care of me and the kids.. They did not even remember I was sick, all they remembered was sledding and having a wonderful Christmas....
I look forward to spending sometime with you again during the holidays. I love being with you! I miss you so much and I do wish I were closer.

Love you always, Julie

Anonymous said...

Hey Lil Lady, I still am in awe of you. I really do not believe I could be as strong as you have been. You are amazing. Hang in there and know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Lots of Love comin yor way, Lil Sis