Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wednesday Evening......November 28th

Solutions on the way?

Today Linda went to the clinic for a "mid term" check up...half way through the first cycle of 21 days. Prior to that we met with Pastor Paul in the hospital and spent some very quality and inspirational time.

We met with Susie the nurse practitioner...and went over the events of the past 10 days..including the trip to the Emergency Room by ambulance...the high blood pressure and particularly the high pulse....and the extreme pain in the joints and bones that occurred for 3-4 days. Susie prescribed a steroid to deal with the will be taken at specific days and in specific amounts according to the days the "bone pain" is predicted to show up again in the next cycles.

Susie felt that the blood pulse/pressure stuff should be dealt with by a specialist....particularly when Linda has had trouble in the past (she was on medication prior to the cancer) appears the cancer and treatments have made things more on the edge. Susie also wanted us to come back when the doctor came in to review all that (and he had indicated yesterday he wanted to see Linda).

So we went to COSTCO for pizza and a bit of shopping and then came back...the doctor concurred with Susie about Linda seeing the Friday morning she will meet with the internist to review everything relating to the blood pressure/pulse.

Linda maintained quite well today...she is doing remarkably well in spite of a somewhat elevated heartbeat. She feels good that the pain will be diminished next round.....and that the heart stuff is going to be addressed.

Linda's blood test showed a reduction in red blood cells and a drop in the white cell numbers..but not enough to be neutropenic.....Susie was unsure as to whether Linda has "hit the bottom" and "is on the way back up" or "still heading down" with the counts...the next day or so should tell the story. nothing special is needed now..unless Linda has something happen like a fever or....

That's about things in a short piece...Linda is doing well...has a great attitude today...and looks forward to the rest of the week and next week where she is predicted to do well and end up feeling well.



Unknown said...

Linda I am not a Dr. but am a little concerned with you being out to Costco have a reduced immune system and this is flu and cold season. Momma Claudia says you need to be careful and you need to stay away from areas that could infect you...I don't want a setback when you are doing so you..

Julie Miles said...

We love you both...

Julie, Ray & Kids...

Anonymous said...

Two things I'm feeling -- 1) you've got a great nurse there in Susie (and I don't just say that 'cause we share a name....). 2) You're doing great! You're on the positive side of all this meshugah.

L, for unexplainable reasons that I'm learning not to question, I'm so happy for you!! I even have tears in my eyes as I type this. There's such a good vibe about all this wonderful news. You rock on wit'your bad self and keep moving forward. And I'll keep you wrapped in that golden haze of health and love!! Here's to steadily improving days and weeks and months and years!!!


Anonymous said...

P.S. and avoiding Costco wouldn't hurt... ;-) ... besides, who needs all those crowds? heehee!!

Whitehoopster said...

Okay, enough of these scary-times! When you left Florida, you were doing so well. So we are sending you lots of warm,sunny strength-building waves from Florida. We miss you and think of both daily. Come back soon-strong and ready for some more warm-weather therapy.

Love you
Ernie & Kim

Anonymous said...

The steroids may help your weight loss because it can really increase your appetite depending on the dose. But it can effect your sleep. You can use those hard to sleep nights eating...... Hope that Dr can get your meds adjusted right. Keeping you in my prayers.