Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday....September 28th....2009

Dave has been ill, so I am writing the blog again. Yesterday he asked me to take him to urgent care as he had such severe pain swallowing. The doctor ran some blood tests which only showed that his while blood cells were trying to fight off "something". His glands on the right side of his face were swollen as well as his difficulty swallowing. The doctor ordered some pain pills for the pain and said to call if he got a fever.

Last night I called the doctor on call that he had a fever of 101 degrees, but they said to call back if it reached 103. This morning he was more swollen and not better, so we went back in to see an internist. He decided it was an infection, not a virus, and ordered antibiotics. Hopefully, they will do the trick, as he is still in pain and not a happy camper. I guess it's my turn to play caregiver. We'll definitely never be even on that score, and I decided he's much better at it than I am.

It looks like we'll be staying in Sisters, as the potential renters have gotten cold feet. I can't blame them, as the sale of their home is never secure until closing date. I would hate to be all moved out in a hurry and have them back out at that point.

We're still hoping to be off Wednesday to do the couples seminar in Eugene. The owners of a lot across the street are willing to let us park our motor coach there, so I can be close for taking rests when needed. What a relief that is for me!

Love and gratitude.....Linda


Anonymous said...

Home is wherever you are. We know your heart is in the Valley, and that will match up bring your home and heart together in due time. Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience.

Relax and know you are loved.


Anonymous said...

I need to get you a copy of the plaque on my wall that says...
"Life is all about how you handle
I'm sorry that it isn't working out for you to move to the Valley and that Dave is sick. Perhaps the sky will be brighter tomorrow.
Love you,
Ruth Ann

Anonymous said...

Hope Dave is feeling better. Sorry the rental didn't work out. I am sure that you believe God has another plan that it will all work out for the best. Take care and much love to both of you. Marilyn Davis

shelly paul said...

Wow, Dave, you just don't want to be outdone, do you now? There's no catching up to Linda Lou now; she has everyone beat for doctor's visits. Just wanted you to know we're thinking of you both. I can't believe I missed the first blogger commenter photo submission, but we'll maybe have the catch the next go-round.

We recently returned from a wonderful Vegas vacation, the first time ever when there was no race to attend throughout the course of the trip. However, we did see Hoover Dam for the first time and even tried indoor skydiving (the same place where Bourdias and Claire were featured on Champ Car's coverage a few years back). Jason was quite good at it, though I was never meant to be such a bird. We also saw a few Cirque du Soleil shows and I even won a bit as a newbie on the blackjack tables.

Anyway, now that we're back and settled, I'm reading all the blog updates and getting back "up to speed."

Sending our best your way, as always,

shelly & jason paul

Cheryl Jones said...

Feel better, Dave. I guess it's only fair you get to be the sick one for once. Just make sure you take it easy and get better quickly.

Love to you both, as always.