Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday....September 12th....2009

A couple of busy days...Linda still has headaches and she hasn't been eating well....says it doesn't taste good and no appetite and she fills up fast.....all these things will be addressed with the Oncologist next Thursday.....she still tires easily so naps and "down time" are critical within each day.

Yesterday we ended up in Portland as tonight was the retired staff picnic for the Oregon Education Association. We got to see old colleagues and friends....Linda knows most all of them and they have been checking in on her...

Linda got to see friend Mary today....(Mary...I wasn't "dodging" you....I got to go to Fryes...the local electronics shop as well as Costco to have unlimted cokes and soft ice cream without getting "grief " from "you know who"...I owe you one (or two).

Tomorrow we stop to see various folks on our way back home. the pictures are of dinner with friends Nancy and Steve last night and then Linda with friends at the picnic today..


Anonymous said...

Busy, busy, busy. No rest up Linda and listen to your body. You two just have too many friends!! I know, you can't have TOO many pals.
Hope the oncoligist has lots of answers for you.

Anonymous said...

Mary checking in - made it home and find it cooler in Southern California than it was in Portland, go figure!

I know you are a little tired and going to throttle back for a day or so. But the spirit in your life and in your heart just shines Linda. It is such a joy just to be around you.

Great to see the lovely Janine again and Dave - your timing was perfect, you never showed up!

Love and hugs dear friends,