Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday....August 9....2010

Dave is in the house finishing up the wood floor, so I am helping him out by doing the blog.

Another good day for me. For a while I was wondering if I'd have another good day, so I'm thankful they are back. I hope they stay for awhile. I haven't noticed any great improvements in the appetite yet, but I'll be patient.

I'm excited to have the appliances come tomorrow and the carpet the following morning. It will really start looking like a house to move into.

Love and gratitude......Linda


Anonymous said...

Always good to hear your "voice" Linda. You'll have lots of good days coming up once the stink (sorry Dave) of the building materials/paint, etc. and the dusty construction air take a hike. Then some nice home cooking on your NEW appliances in your NEW kitchen in your NEW HOME to tantalize your appetite. Hmmm, is that cookies I smell?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Marjorie on all counts, especially that it is always good to hear from you, Linda. Wish I could share my "appetite" with you! John is on the mend from shoulder surgery and I am almost finished with my job as his driver, chef, nurse, etc. That gives me more appreciation of Dave's role in your journey, for sure.
So glad that the house is coming together quickly. Keep up those good days.

Anonymous said...

Lots more good days coming your way dear friend...
I was hoping to visit, but have a bit of a "bug" myself and don't want to pass it on to you. Hopefully by weeks end I can come poke fun of Dave's floor!