Saturday, August 21, 2010

Saturday....August 21st...2010

Yesterday we completed the Jillian's Great Victorian Adventure by returning to Oregon by train from Seattle....Jillian seemed a bit grouchy.....either tired from all the fun......we were tired too..or sad it was over...she'll bounce back quickly....

Today it was back to work...and a productive day....the master closet is done except for shelving which will be done tomorrow...also two toilets placed...and Linda grouted the looks terrific....

Linda was a bit unhappy today as her pulse was back up again after two weeks of great numbers...her hope is that it is a temporary thing and things will improve again. Monday we go to OHSU for an infusion of Zometa which is the bone builder

Tuesday Dave goes to Wings in Eugene to help with a Crossover Seminar for 5 days...Linda is going to her friend Judy's for the week......and her friends have things planned for her and she has some folks to see that she hasn't seen in a long time...


Anonymous said...

Linda I hope by the time you read this the blood pressure is back where you want it to be. Looks like you guys are going to be pretty busy for the next week. Let me know when you get back from your sisters as I will need my "Linda fix"
Pretty quiet weekend here. Just got lawn mowed and house in sort of clean order..

Anonymous said...

Nothing like coming face to face with all the unfinished tasks to raise the ole blood pressure. I know it's fun and you're good at it (tiling the fireplace, my lands!) but the sheer list of details must be daunting after such a fun vacation. Hope you both enjoy this coming week and return refreshed to tackle those remaining chores.