Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday...August 12th...2010

Quite a day....

First a visit with Linda's primary physician followed by a call from Linda's Oncologist....

Linda's primary physician is very delightful and caring and concerned and fully engaged..and..and. After concerns about Linda's heart because of the PE concerns..etc...the doctor determined that this all seems lung related rather than heart related....that the tumor seems to be impacting Linda's ability to breathe, thereby causing the rest of the lung to work harder. Her oxygen consumption is good...even under fast walking (which they did together)
....but the heart works harder to get the oxygen around and the lung work harder to get the oxygen.

Dr. Sandler called soon after Linda's visit with the primary doctor .....he said the tumors had increased 10% since the last scan.....he did not want to assume this was because of the an immediate change to another chemo would mean a shortened long term it is either the Tarceva being ineffective or that the previous chemo...Alimta...had run its course and was ineffective ....hence the change to Tarceva.

A scan will be done on September 1 prior to the appointment with Dr. Sandler on the 2nd...this will determine the effectiveness of the Tarceva....Linda is going in on August 23rd for a Zometa infusion to build bone as a preventative to possible lesions/cancer in T2/T3...

That's about it...the next scan should tell the story.

Not much on the house today as running around consumed a lot of a day....we did unpack all our paintings and the painter finished and is gone....tomorrow friends Nancy and Ginnie are coming to visit....and we will focus on the gas hookup for the stove....connecting sinks....grouting tile which we cut and laid today to finish off backsplashes...laundry room floor...and guest bath counter. Finally, a lot of cardboard from packing and all is going to the recycling center as we have exceeded our ability to use the curb side service provided...we also are going to pick up the hearth tile so we can start on the fireplace tiling which will be fun....


Anonymous said...

I'm worn out just reading what you are going to do next on the house... hope you're able to take a bit of time off this weekend just to relax.

Take care, and have a great weekend!

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

Looks like you got good MD info. With knowledge comes power. Hope you can get in some down time. We are roasting here in the Midwest but no complaints when I think of the winter cold.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it looks as if you're on the right road. Always a bump where there is a turn but it will straightened out now.

The joyful news is that the painting is finished. Happy dance for Dave.

Enjoy the weekend in your new, nearly finished home!