Friday, August 3, 2007

Friday AM..August 3rd

This morning we head to the Oregon Jamboree and friends we see only once a year. Email might be sparse or non existant this weekend.

It's a very nice morning here in Western Oregon...we're among giant Douglas firs which cover the area for miles.

Linda is doing well this am...little coughing....she is getting good vibes from people around her...which gives her strength...

The good news is that this year we bought reserved tickets for the Jamboree rather than general admission where one competes for the best seating areas...must have been part of the "pre planning" we were then unaware of but doing.

Have a good day for Linda!



Anonymous said...

Have a great time at the Jamboree this weekend.

We're sending positive thoughts for your chemo and radiation next week. Stay positive and keep believing. :)

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

Although I won't be able to check your blog or talk to you at the beginning of your treatment, know that I am thinking of you and praying for you and sending you all my energy for your big day Monday. You have always taught me to face my troubles head on and I'm never more proud than now of having you as my mother and my role model. You consistently amaze me with your strength, courage, and love. God is smiling on you! Make sure Dad gets you the biggest chocolate malt of all Monday. I love you, I'm proud of you, and I wish I could be there to hold you hand and kiss your cheek.

I love you a bushel and a peck...

Anonymous said...

Dear Dave and linda,

We have been out of town and just want you to know we are thinking of you and send you lots of positive energy which you already have and much much love.

Don and Deb

Anonymous said...

Hope you both had a great weekend!

You are in our thoughts and
prayers. We will especially be
thinking of you on Monday...

love, maureen