Monday, August 27, 2007

Monday Afternoon...August 27th

Today Linda got Radiation session #12 (out of 35) had been a week since her last session. She continues to feel good except for the headache. they want to see if it "washes out" by the end of the week. If not, they they will do another brain scan (which was clean last time).

They told Linda today that the chemo cyele number 2 would most likely not start on the 4th as planned but rather a week later. She sees the medical oncologist on the 4th so a final decision will be made at that time.

Linda continues to gain (yes, I said gain)weight..she is up 3 pounds from her "normal" weight and up 5 pounds from her per treatment weight. They are impressed. Her appetite will most likely drop as the treatments continue. As I mentioned yesterday, we had dinner at the neighbors across the creek last night...Linda ate a normal meal and ate ALL of it...corn on the cob...rice...etc etc. She "cleaned up"!

The rumor is that a bald picture will be posted in the near future....



Jenn said...

Can't wait to see the "clean" head. I'm sure your stunning!

Anonymous said...

good- you needed to gain weight even BEFORE this whole thing began. I mean, Sheesh- eat a cookie! hee hee...

Back to work today. The good news is we hired a new teacher about 45 minutes ago in my grade level, so my class size dropped from 31 to 23 today. YAY! A straight grade AND a small class. What a blessing. I'm off to a potluck with coworkers now, but I'm thinking of you and wishing I could give you a huge hug and smoocheroo!

Love, Janine