Monday, August 27, 2007

Monday evening...August 27th

Tonight we are back to the reality of cancer treatment.....the last few days have seemed somewhat normal because of the "break" from the radiation and chemo....with the return to radiation....the effects are also back....which we had forgotten in the moment.

It is sad to see Linda not feeling well again and wanting the last few days back...and then again, this is the route to the cure.....we understand that and it was still unsettling tonight.

Tomorrow is day 13 of 35 for the radiation.....we know we will settle back into that new "normal"'s time to get on with's what we want...



LaVelle said...

Hang in there guys! My thoughts are with you always.

Anonymous said...

Thinkin bout ya lil lady... In my thoughts and prayers...

Love Ya, Lil Sis

Jenn said...

You are amazing. We are sending you all the positive energy we can.
We love you.

Anonymous said...

Linda, you have many loving friends and family who care about you. We all are going through those very bad times with you. (Thanks to Dave)Our prayers and thoughts are with you every day and sometimes every hour. You are a strong lady. Hang in there. We love you.

Anonymous said...

We're thinking of both of you every day... Hang in there...take one day at a time... and draw from the strength and positive thoughts from all of us! :)

We love you!
Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

I was totally unaware of Linda's illness till this morning, and I feel truly saddened by this.
For I myself have been dealing with health issues of my own, and have not been able to travel to any of the races recently.
My thoughts and prayers are with you dear Linda,and for Dave as well.
You have my e-mail addy, so if there's anything I can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask!

All my Love,
Donald : DBK927
Joe Cool : The MUTT

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you guys.
Hang in there Linda, you are a great person.

Anonymous said...

Linda and Dave-We just learned of
Lind'a fight with cancer. After
reading your blog and shedding tears we are now caught up with your treatments. You both have a
wonderful attitude toward this disease and we know you will win the fight! You are definitely in our thoughts and prayers. Bob and Julie Brown--Denver Grand Prix

Anonymous said...

We met you guys twice this year and really enjoyed your buoyant spirit and company. We are saddened by your ordeal. It is obvious that there is so much love in your family. Linda and Dave you are the bee's knees! The cat's pajamas!

Ed and Ginger

Anonymous said...

We're keeping you guys in mind today. Just keep reminding yourselves that one day at a time wins the race!

Green, green, green!

Shelly & Jason Paul

Anonymous said...

I am blessed by all you share with us as well as all the messages from your friends. My energy is reaching out to you at this moment and will all this positive energy from all your friends, You can help but feel it clear to your core. Love you special friend. Judy

PTRacing said...

My prayers are with you Linda and Dave. Keep fighting Linda I want to see you next year at the track.
God Bless you!
