Monday, August 6, 2007

Monday PM.....August 6th

Today was DAY 1!

We arrived at the Infusion Room at the Bend Memorial Clinic.....14 lounge type chairs....with hook ups for IV's. Linda sat in one of the chairs and immediately the nurses started preping could see the tears well up in her eyes as she realized that this was it..reality was smacking her in the face pretty hard......and then as she said...."buck up!"..this is the way for the cure...a positive spin on things rather than a negative.

Linda was given the liquids through the IV in the back of her hour of hydration followed by one hour of the nastiest medicine...then back to an hour of hydration...

Linda then was disconnected and left to do her radiation we walked over to the hospital to the Cancer Treatment Center.....there they redid some Xrays to make sure everything was the way it was supposed to be....and then about 15 minutes in radiation....each time the machine made its sound Linda said internally "come kill those bastards"...later she referred to her experience as a "packman" game......with the packman gobbling up the bad guys.

Then back to the Infusion Room for the last hour of chemo..the second drug.

Linda was briefed on nausea and given prescriptions for three (yes three) medications for nausea. Is that a clue as to what's to come?

In all, I was amazed at how well Linda "weathered" the good she looked..and even tonight as she tired..she still looked strong.....she reminds herself.."attitude".."diet" and "exercise"..the keys.

I won't go through the schedule of things to is too extensive and complicated..but we have a handle on it ...tomorrow is radiation for 15 minutes followed by chemo of two hours (the lesser evil chemical only.)..this will be the schedule though Friday.....

My hat is off to Linda..a strong..committed woman...going through a difficult time..with a firm resolve and intention.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Linda, what a powerful role model you are for all of us. Allowing us to be part of your journey means so much. We are grateful for your openness and courage......both of you.

Anonymous said...

Linda and Dave,

Our prayers go out to you at this time. We are glad and very hopeful that you have lots of support and love to encourage you both.

Prayerfully yours,
Kathleen & Brad

Julie Miles said...

I am always so touched by what I read in your blog. I am amazed at your strength and commitment to yourself!
The love you two have for each other is the way every love should be. You are both wonderful role models; Mentors; and Teachers to all of us... I know that through all of this you will connect with so many people and help change lives along the way.

My love for you grows stronger everyday... I love you both

Hugs and Kisses


Anonymous said...

Just a quick note -- wanted to let you know that nausuea is not necessarily gonna happen. My mom had all the nasty chemos for ovarian cancer -- but never once had the nauseau. The penny-pincher she was, she was pissed that she had to get the prescriptions filled. But I told her to look at it as paying to NOT have nauseau... ;-)

Keep those visualizations going, L. I've got you in my thoughts.


Anonymous said...

and yes, I do know how to spell nausea.... I just am rooting for U so much that I got a little too enthusiastic with the typing.....

:-/ Susie