Monday, August 13, 2007

Monday...Late.....August 13th

What a day it was..we couldn't have anticipated this one...

Linda woke up with a blood pressure of 72 over 54....which means her blood was barely pumping....

When we got to radiation, she didn't come back out per usual..when I went back they told me they were concerned about how she looked and the blood pressue and were talking to the nurse practitioner over in the chemo at the Clinic.

We ended up over there and they did a blood test and found the blood counts were ok but her creatinine was elevated (a sign her kidneys weren't fully functioning)....this was a concern from the beginning but now was showing up.

The end result was no chemo but rather hydration by IV only.....and the same tomorrow....maybe Wednesday they will do the last chemo session of the first cycle...Linda needs to get hydrated and also have the creatinine level go down.

And then.....

I found out the 5 day seminar I was assisting with, that was scheduled for next week was starting tomorrow. In the midst of all of this crisis..I got the week wrong. Daughter Janine was all set to come next week and work through the radiation (no chemo) with her Mom, etc etc.

But now ...I was in a panic...Cool headed Linda said it would all work...and with some did....we have her covered the entire week..and all know what to do and a potential disaster was avoided....

Linda is feeling much better this evening..we also found out that the heart burn was due to the radiation on the esophygous..and with an increase in medication...the impact should be reduced....her blood pressure is 99 over 77...she doesn't look like a zoombie.

Sons Jim and Jeff were here today..Jim is staying over and taking his Mother to her appointments tomorrow..Granddaughter Jillian is here for the week to support her grandmother...Jillian's Mom, Julie, is coming over to be with Linda Wednesday and Thursday and daughter Janine is coming Thursday night for the rest of the week and weekend. Linda's friend, Mary is coming for the weekend as an added it is all covered...

Enough said...I'm to bed


PS..more on creatinine at


Julie Miles said...

I am so blessed to be able to come and stay with Linda this week. I really needed this... I am very grateful that I can have this opportunity. It will be a wonderful week with Jillian, G-ma Linda and myself. What a celebration of loving each other we will have. It has been to long since the 3 of us have had the oppportunity to hang out with each other. Linda is like a mother to me and having Jillian has been such a blessing in both of our lives. I love that we will have some wonderful quality time together, and I have been wanting/needing to be there for Linda and Dave.

I am blessed, I love you both, Julie

Wendy Soethe said...

I am so grateful that today turned out okay and that there are so many people there for you both this week and through this whole experience and beyond. Please let us know if you ever need us to come down. I'm sorry you had such a hard day and pray that tomorrow will be an easier one.

We love you, Wendy

Anonymous said...

Ya know Dave, I always knew there was something very special about you. As a child you were a wonderful big brother and now you are a very special husband. I loved reading that beautiful letter to your wife. I am very envious of your relationship. One in a million... You two will triumph over the hurdles placed in your lives. Your love for each other gives great hope for us all... Love Ya, Lil Sis

Anonymous said...

Linda-What a blessing you have with a devoted and loving family. We all should have the faith like you. Everything will work out. Sounds like you are in excellent hands with your professionals,family,
and God.
Love, Janet

Whitehoopster said...

Linda & Dave

Just got back from the convention yesterday. There were about 10 couples from Florida there. You were both very missed, and in many of our conversations. In fact Deb read your blog to us from her palm piolet as we sat around the pool each day (come to find out that was the only device that was able to connect to the internet).

We are thinking of you each day as you battle through.

Lots of Love

Ernie & Kim

Anonymous said...

We're thinking of both of you every day... hope today's much better and brighter day. :)

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

Thank you for letting me sit with you yesterday. Don't forget, God made and God can fix it. I will stop by tomorrow morning on my way in. Hang in thre Dave, you are doing great.

I Love You Both,

Jeff Sprague

Anonymous said...

I thought of you while at Road America -- my first visit there. What a gorgeous venue for a race -- I can't get over the elevation changes. And I sent you good thoughts all through the weekend.

As I've caught up on your blog, I kept thinking about what Winston Churchill said (and have I shared this with you? If so, I'm sorry and am chalking this up to CRAFT disease*):
If you're going through hell, keep going.

*CRAFT -- Can't Remember A Freaking Thing (acronym slightly modified for a G audience.)

Keep going and let's plan on meeting up at RA next year!!


Anonymous said...

I love you Mom.