Saturday, August 11, 2007

Saturday Eveneing...August 11th

Today was a strange day.....

No major side effects today.

We took a walk to town to pick up the new prescriptions for Linda's headaches...which they now attribute to the chemo...

What did we do....nothing...we both slept a lot..resting from a busy and uncertain week behind us.

Linda is actually reading again...which she normally does a lot of..but not this past week.

Daughter Janine comes back again tomorrow and then Son Jim and granddaughter Jillian on Monday (Jillian for the week).




Anonymous said...

Hey guys, glad you are getting some rest this weekend. It will give you strength for your next week of therapy. I am just amazed with you two.. I love hearing you guys and to be able to sit on the sidelines and share in your loving relationship. It is wonderful. And definitely rare.
God loves you and so do I...
Thank You for allowing me into your world..
Love Ya,
Lil Sis,

RonMorlan1948 said...

Linda - Our prayers are with you. I know what you mean by the doctor visits. Cathy has MS and we've made a lot of hospital visits in the past several years. Dave - Continue to be the best caregiver possible, I know how hard it is to lift, move, struggle, and sweat as you help someone get thru each day.

I hope that both of you pray together. Cathy and I try to pray each day together. Mark 11:22: “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. “I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

Prayer can comfort both of you. Continue to fight and pray.

Ron Morlan
RAC ‘69

Anonymous said...

Linda, we just learned of your cancer yesterday in an email from Dave. At first, we were dismayed and depressed. But, after reading all of the blog entries and a few of the comments, we are pleased to know that you are making great progress and have such a wonderful support system to rely upon. We are traveling in our motorhome and today in the quaint town of LeClaire, Iowa, nestled on the bank of the Mississippi River, we saw a plaque and thought immediately of you. The plaque showed a young girl wearing a tan dress with a bird flying over head. In her dark hair was a bird's nest filled with four small sky blue eggs. The caption read: "I can't prevent the bird of sorrow from flying over my head. But, I can keep it from building a nest in my hair." So, believe and "no nests" for you. You are in our prayers and we wish you much happiness and love.

John and Kay Garcia